Bilingual Editions

Lucia Palladino
Nadine - 20.00€ -  out of stock

ERRARE/WANDERING/WONDERING is a publication by Lucia Palladino that brings together exercises and notes for wild outdoor walking practices in Contemplative Activism. This publication can be used for improvisation and choreographic composition for dancers and actors, but can also be used by everyone as maps for disorientation and deep listening.

Contemplative Activism is an ongoing research in decolonizing, anti-capitalistic practices for the body in relations to the landscape they are immersed in. You find the manifesto of CA inserted in the publication.  

Concept and words by Lucia Palladino
Design by Marzia Dalfini
Proofreading by Sarah Cale
Bookbinding by La Rivière Sèche and Lucia Palladino

Co-produced by Nadine for the WAB 2021.

Why Call it Labor? On Motherhood and Art Work
Mai Abu ElDahab (ed.)
Mophradat - 10.00€ -  out of stock

This publication comprises four essays and one conversation with contemporary artists and curators discussing their experience of becoming mothers as professionals in the arts, its reality and effects. While their reflections represent a similar strata of art worker in terms of background, class, and career trajectory, the impact of instruments of patriarchy on rendering maternity invisible that they describe is recognizable and insidious.

Contributions by Mai Abu ElDahab, Basma Alsharif, Lara Khaldi, Mary Jirmanus Saba, and Mirene Arsanios with Nikki Columbus.

Edited by Mai Abu ElDahab
Published by Mophradat and Archive Books
Text design layout by Valerie Arif
Arabic and English

Artists as Iconographers
Garance Chabert & Aurélien Mole (eds.)
Éditions Empire - 22.00€ -  out of stock

For over a century now, iconographer artists have fuelled their approach by tapping into the diversity of images produced by othersand spread through society by industrial means. From collage to the post-internet school, from archival installations to Appropriationist quotation and image constellations, the present book puts these art practices into perspective, focusing on the last forty years, an extraordinarily dynamic period that recently witnessed the invention and development of a new way of disseminating information and images, the internet. Through theoretical texts, artists’ interviews, and exhibition practices, the book maps the connections artists maintain with images and examines emotion as the driving force in our interactions with them.

Editors: Garance Chabert & Aurélien Mole
Texts: François Aubart, Garance Chabert & Aurélien Mole, Ingrid Luquet-Gad, Jan Verwoert.

Interviews: Pierre-Olivier Arnaud, Barbara Breitenfellner, Céline Duval, Haris Epaminonda, Aurélien Froment, Wade Guyton, Camille Henrot, Thomas Hirschhorn, Pierre Leguillon, Jonathan Monk, Clément Rodzielski, Linder Sterling, John Stezaker, Oriol Vilanova, by Timothée Chaillou.

32 pages leaflet, Turmoil, Batia Suter, 2020, layered reproductions excerpt from a series in progress, various size. Courtesy of Batia Suter.

EAAPES – reader #2
Clara Pacotte, Charlotte Houette (edx.)
The Cheapest University - 21.00€ -  out of stock

Recherches du groupe EAAPES initié par Clara Pacotte et Charlotte Houette autour des questions queer et de féminismes dans la littérature de science-fiction/fiction spéculative.

Contient des traductions de nouvelles de plusieurs autriX tirées du recueil Sisters of the Revolution publié par Ann & Jeff Vandermeer, des interviews, des textes originaux, des articles plus contemporains, des extraits de fictions déjà publiées.

Les textes en langue étrangère sont tous traduits en français.

Avec les contributions de Alexia Foubert, Antoine Trapp, Ariane Sirota, Barbara Sirieix, Camille Pageard, Dora Diamant, Hélène Baril, Laetitia Paviani, Loraine Furter, Louise Truc, Luz De Amor, Mélodie Simonnet, Mirion Malle, Rosanna Puyol, Roxanne Maillet, Théo Robine Langlois.

Pub. dec 2018

EAAPES — reader #1
Clara Pacotte, Charlotte Houette (edx.)
The Cheapest University - 21.00€ -  out of stock

Recherches du groupe EAAPES initié par Clara Pacotte et Charlotte Houette autour des questions queer et de féminismes dans la littérature de science-fiction/fiction spéculative.

Contient des traductions des essais de Joanna Russ du recueil To Write Like A Woman, des interviews à la Wiscon, des textes originaux, des articles plus contemporains, des extraits de fictions déjà publiées.

Les textes en langue étrangère sont tous traduits en français.

Avec les contributions de Adèle Iris, Adèle Rolland, Maïwenn Le Mouée, Esmé Planchon, Nana Benamer, Josèfa Ntjam, FLG.

Pub. 2018

1 Million Roses for Angela Davis / 1 Million Rosen für Angela Davis
Kathleen Reinhardt (ed.)
Mousse Publishing - 27.00€ -  out of stock

"1 Million Roses for Angela Davis" traces Davis' immense influence and legacy as activist and scholar on contemporary artists today, while simultaneously teasing out the contradictions her presence and agenda posed to the GDR's interpretation and application of Marxism.

"A Million Roses for Angela Davis" was the motto of a 1970–72 solidarity campaign in East Germany in support of US philosopher, Communist, and Black Power revolutionary Angela Davis, who at the time was being held on terrorism charges in California.

The large-scale movement firmly anchored the "heroine of the other America" within the cultural memory of a now-vanished social utopia, which after her acquittal welcomed her as a state guest. For her part, Davis had hoped for an internationalist movement promoting a socialist, feminist, and non-racist democracy—the antithesis of her experiences of violence and oppression as a Black woman in the United States. This moment of hope provides the historical starting point for the exhibition at the Albertinum in Dresden. The group show features archival materials, historical portraits of Davis by state painters of the GDR, new commissions, and other works by an array of contemporary artists focusing on the issues that the now emeritus professor campaigned for at the time, which are still pressing today. It aspires to initiate discussion on the background, flaws, and unfulfilled potential of the unusual relationship between Davis and the GDR.

The contributions in this accompanying reader unfold how Davis's iconic image came to be inscribed within a global history of resistance, and introduce all of the participating artists with short texts.    

"And if we believe that revolutions are possible, then we have to be able to imagine different modes of being, different ways of existing in society, different social relations. In this sense art is crucial. Art is at the forefront of social change. Art often allows us to grasp what we cannot yet understand." —Angela Davis

Works by Yael Bartana, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Sophie Calle, Contemporary And, Sadie Barnette, CHTO DELAT?, Melvin Edwards, Ângela Ferreira, Bernhard Franke, Coco Fusco, Ellen Gallagher, Claudia Martínez Garay, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Arthur Jafa, Steffani Jemison & Justin Hicks (Mikrokosmos), Iris Kensmil, Hassan Khan, Kapwani Kiwanga, Raja Lubinetzki & Petra Schramm, Julie Mehretu, Heinz-Detlef Moosdorf, Senga Nengudi, Ahmet Öğüt, Slavs and Tatars, Julia Phillips, Alex Martinis Roe, Elske Rosenfeld, Anri Sala, Willi Sitte, Cauleen Smith, Nancy Spero, Gabriele Stötzer, Strawalde (Jürgen Böttcher), Nasan Tur, Lewis Watts, Carrie Mae Weems, Christoph Wetzel, Charles White, Heinz Wodzicka. 

Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, from October 10, 2020 to January 24, 2021.

Artist Network Theory No.1/No.2
Axelle Stiefel (ed.)
Artist Network Theory - 13.00€ -

Sanna Helena Berger, Costanza Candeloro, Yves Citton, Noémie Degen & Simon Jaton, Guillaume Maraud, Anna-Livia Marchionni, Deborah Müller, Benjamin Mengistu Navet, Madeleine Paré, Salome Schmuki, Fabrice Schneider, Alan N. Shapiro, Axelle Stiefel, Elisa Storelli, Eva Zornio.

Trilingual Edition 

Editor Axelle Stiefel
Design Salome Schmuki

Direct Into Chaos
Aleen Solari
Montez Press - 20.00€ -

Aleen Solari’s work is shaped profoundly by insights into various subcultures. These insights are partly drawn from her own experiences, partly borrowed from members of certain scenes who she invites to be part of her work. Her sculptural practice moves in and out of life within these groups, and is full of codes and quotations from antifa members, football hooligans, bored youth clubs or those embedded in neonazi networks. 

Direct Into Chaos is a book that dives deep into these worlds, shape-shifting between fiction, documentation and artwork. In ghost written texts, Solari fictionalises her own artistic biography, morphing interviews with football hooligans who had their phones tapped by the police, into a dream world where they receive generous compensation for years lived under surveillance. 

In this publication – in a chaotic, dreamlike state of mind – fiction and documentation, art and activism meld into something new.
Aleen Solari is an artist who lives in Hamburg, Germany

Sabrina Soyer (edx.)
Self-Published - 13.00€ -  out of stock

how to become a motherfuckinelegist est une revue créée par un collectif de gouines & féministes à Paris. Elle publie les recherches menées pendant les workshops d’écriture & traduction : How to become a lesbian. Ces ateliers sont gratuits et se déroulent toutes les deux semaines à Paris, en non-mixité (pas d'hommes cis).

Being Imposed Upon
Vesna Faassen & Lukas Verdijk (eds)
Onomatopee - 17.00€ -  out of stock

Being is een tijdloze liefdesbrief en handleiding van en voor zwarte vrouwen. Dit boek is een collectie van reflecties over vrouw- én zwart-zijn in België. In de twee landstalen Nederlands en Frans verenigen wij, zwarte vrouwen, non-fictie essays, literaire beschouwingen, poëzie, activistische en academische teksten rond onze zoektocht naar vrijheid. Dit boek is een eerbetoon aan onze ouderen, onze heldinnen en onze zusters.


Nous sommes des Femmes Noires, poétesses, militantes, universitaires, littéraires et essayistes engagées dans des causes afroféministes, antiracistes et décoloniales.

Nous sommes ces Afro-belges néerlandophones et francophones indignées par des siècles d’esclavages coloniaux, de violences et de discriminations raciales.

Nous sommes ces Afrodescendantes qui marquent ici le refus des diverses formes d'impositions qu’elles subissent structurellement et quotidiennement.

Nous sommes ces Femmes aux identités Tierces que l’on oppresse et qui pourtant, à l’aune de l’érosion du pouvoir des bourreaux sur nos corps, nos âmes et nos esprits, réfléchissent à leur condition et travaillent à leur empowerment.

Nous sommes ces Africaines stigmatisées, invitées à rejeter nos origines et qui pourtant vous livrent ici une lettre d’amour intemporelle à toutes les Femmes Noires, à celles qui ont peur et celles luttent.

Nous sommes ces immortelles qui rendront hommage à nos aînées, nos héroïnes, à notre filiation de Résistances. Ce manuel d’émancipation trace les chemins de notre liberté et de notre résilience ; par nous, pour nous !

Impose our freedom.

- Mireille-Tsheusi Robert


Joëlle Sambi Nzeba, Olave Nduwanje, Emmanuelle Nsunda, Sabrine Ingabire, Aline Bosuma W’Okungu Bakili, Heleen Debeuckelaere, Mireille-Tsheusi Robert, Munganyende Hélène Christelle, Modi Ntambwe, Emma-Lee Amponsah, Djia Mambu, Shari Aku Legbedje & Anissa Boujdaini, Gia Abrassart, Melat Gebeyaw Nigussie, Anne Wetsi Mpoma, Lisette Ma Neza
Un-Break My Walls
Christianne Blattmann
Mousse Publishing - 25.00€ -

The first monograph on Christiane Blattmann takes its title from her solo show Un-Break My Walls at Kunsthalle Münster in 2019. Blattmann intricately interweaves, intermeshes, combines, compounds, merges, and processes in her work not only materials but also structures, things, stories, characters. The volume includes extensive illustrations of exhibitions, projects, and works, and a great number of black-and-white images capture the artist’s studio practice. The interactions of materials, along with theoretical and literary references, serve as important points of departure, and the emblematic outcomes involve text and texture as material structure and patterned surface; vivid condensation and entanglement; and invitations to exploration and reflection. The book compiles different elements designed on a series of shifting layers. Texts by Merle Radtke and Chloe Stead and a conversation between Christiane Blattmann and Than Hussein Clark provide insight into Blattmann’s art, complemented by a piece of fiction by Huw Lemmey.

Texts by Merle Radtke, Huw Lemmey, and Chloe Stead, and a conversation between Christiane Blattmann and Than Hussein Clark

Vrouwelijke Geesten
Mona Kareem
Publication Studio Rotterdam - 8.00€ -  out of stock

Femme Ghosts is the result of Mona Kareem’s residency at Poetry International 2019, published in collaboration with Publication Studio Rotterdam. In this series of eight poems, Kareem continues her echoing of women’s voices—the pirate women, busy with their dreams, dwelling on future pasts, indulging in their loneliness. Femme Ghosts is double-direction bound trilingual publication, and includes Kareem’s poetry in Arabic, English and Dutch. 

Under Current
Alice dos Reis (ed.)
Serralves Foundation - 16.00€ -

Companion reader for Under Current, an exhibition and film by Alice dos Reis. With 'Blue Carbon' by Holly Childs, 'Hydrofeminism: Or, On Becoming a Body of Water' by Astrida Neimanis, 'King Tide' by Sophia Al-Maria, 'Notes on a Dotted Red Wave' by Danea Io, 'Smart Oceans, Alien Times: Octopi Engineering' by Bogna M. Konior, 'To a Current's Ear' by Alice dos Reis and more. Bilingual edition (Spanish-English).

Laure Cottin-Stefanelli, Peter Snowdon
CVB - 25.00€ -

Centré sur la mise en jeu du corps filmé et du corps filmant dans leurs pratiques cinématographiques respectives, la Conversation de Laure Cottin Stefanelli et Peter Snowdon a commencé par une présentation croisée de leurs films à Bozar en discussion avec Septembre Tiberghien et s'est cloturée par une exposition intitulée INNER SENSE - Bodies At Work, à la galerie de l'ERG de décembre 2018 à janvier 2019. 

In These Worried Puddles / Dans ces flaques inquiètes
Laure Vigna
Tombolo Press - 14.00€ -  out of stock

This bilingual edition in two booklets (French/English) brings together short texts and narratives by Laure Vigna, accompanied by notes from news media and scientific articles. Several narrators, with more or less abstract identities alternately representing materials, sculptural forms, or the author, seem to speak under the effect of their emotional states.

Sharing the same spaces of action and words, they merge throughout the text, forming only one physical body at the end. In a collaborative effort between Laure Vigna and graphic designer Roxanne Maillet, the publication reveals research conducted on typography and letters as body, receptacles, and spaces.

How To Become (...)
The Cheapest University
Dear Queer - 10.00€ -  out of stock

How to become a soft corpse recomposed in light fabric ou comment laisser les cadavres saigner de la porte du placard, comment anti-citer comme la reine de chicane les yeux couverts de cuir, comment s’écrit Madame X, comment s’échoïser dans le trou noir de l’identité – qui PARLE quand on parle?

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