Thu 16 September 2021 (19h30)
![[launch] Atlas Europe Square by Yves Mettler](
Welcome for the launch of Atlas Europe Square, a publication by Yves Mettler (Urbanomic, 2021).
morePast Projects
Thu 16 September 2021 (19h30)
Welcome for the launch of Atlas Europe Square, a publication by Yves Mettler (Urbanomic, 2021).
moreSat 11 September 2021 (19h30)
Welcome to the launch of Sisters of the Wind, a publication by Juliette Lizotte and Office of Metaphors, with an interactive audiovisual performance of the world, inspiring potions and mysterious spell books. Sisters of the Wind is the fruit of artistic research on witches, ecofeminism, and science-fiction.
moreThu 19 August until Sat 21 August 2021
Over three days in August we installed a reading salon at SAAL Biennaal in Tallinn. Housed in the cellar of Kanuti Gildi Saal visitors were invited to read, converse and hangout in the space. During the opening hours of the reading room/bookshop, we screened “Xenotopia” a newly commised film by Quanta Qualia (Siet Raeymaekers and Tomàs Dittborn).
moreMon 26 July until Fri 27 August 2021
We are closed this summer from the 26th of July until the 26th of August. In August, we will be with some books at the SAAL Biennaal 2021 in Tallinn, Estonia. Maybe see you there! The webshop will be closed between the 10th and 19th of August, so packages won't be sent out during that period. Have a beautiful summer. x
Wed 30 June 2021 (18:00 - 21:00)
Welcome to “Living contents”, a set of lectures, publications and performances by students and guests of the ReadingListeningSpeaking seminar at Erg Brussels.
moreSat 26 June until Sun 27 June 2021 (19h - 22h)
Welcome to rile* for the live reading of If Repeatedly Then Reception, with Bryana Fritz, Quinsy Gario and Stefan Govaart. If Repeatedly Then Reception reads texts repeatedly. More than one, it summons simultaneity and seeks a third sentence. Day one draws together a selection of texts by authors who wrote with devotion unto us the readers. Day two offers devotions the readers wrote themselves.
moreSat 12 June 2021 (14h-22h)
Welcome for the day-long launch of Family Nexus, a new publication by Sophie Nys, Maud Gourdon, Liene Aerts and Leila Peacock. With presentations on Saturday at 6, 7, 8 and 9pm.
moreThu 03 June 2021 (20:00)
Welcome to XENOTOPIA, a webinar-performance film by Quanta Qualia (Tomàs Dittborn & Siet Raeymaekers). XENOTOPIA is a tribute to the strange Other, to the shiny crack opening unto the unknown. "There is no inside except as a folding of the outside; the mirror cracks, I am an other, and I always was." (Mark Fisher)
moreFri 30 April 2021 19h30-21h00 (CET)
Join us [online] for the launch of Ethical Portraits, a new publication by Hatty Nestor investigating the representation of the incarcerated in the U.S. criminal justice system. Through interviews, creative non-fiction, and cultural theory, Hatty Nestor deconstructs a range of different prison portraiture, she will be joined in conversation with writer Alex Quicho.
moreWed 28 April 2021 12h30-14h00 CET
Join us for our series of [online] reading groups. This month we're reading A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None by Kathryn Yusoff, hosted by Gabriel René Franjou.
moreThu 22 April 2021 17h00
We're excited to introduce to you our new podcast channel, we'll be featuring new conversations with artists as well as recordings we've made over the past two years of rile* projects. Our first episode launches the book The Bat, Bad Mood and Autodomestication by Krõõt Juurak and Galerie. You can view our podcasts here, or subscribe to rile*, books wherever you listen to podcasts.
moreWed 24 March 2021 12h30-13h30 CET
Join us for our series of [online] reading groups. This month we're reading Don't Call Us Dead by Danez Smith, hosted by Olivia Douglass in collaboration with Passaporta Festival.