by immixition books

Revue Phylactere n°2 - Oh là là !
Auriane Preud'homme, Roxanne Maillet
immixition books - 25.00€ -

Phylactère est une revue annuelle à voix multiples, née du désir d’explorer l’écriture de l’oralité et les possibilités de retranscription de performance, à travers des visions authentiques, subjectives et spontanées. Donnant la parole à des amateur·ice·s, artiste·s, designer·s et penseur·se·s, la revue Phylactère regroupe des écrits de transition, assumant tous les glissements entre un script, l’action réalisée et sa traduction, avec une attention extrême et aventureuse pour la manière dont les contextes, gestes, émotions et espaces sont mis en jeu lors de cette retranscription.

Initiée par Roxanne Maillet et Auriane Preud’homme à l’invitation de Camille Videcoq lors de la résidence Entrée Principale (Marseille), Phylactère conjugue pratique graphique et éditoriale et démarche curatoriale en intégrant au processus de publication l’organisation de différents événements. 

Pour son deuxième numéro, Phylactère prend pour titre l’onomatopée Oh là là !

Avec les contributions de : Anne Lise Le Gac, Benoît Le Boulicaut, Camille Videcoq, Cecil Serres, Claudia Pagès, Considered to be Allies (Margaux Parillaud & Mie Frederikke Fischer Christensen), Ghita Skali, Giuliana Zefferi, Lauren Tortil, Loreto Martínez Troncoso, Louise Hervé & Clovis Maillet, Mona Gérardin-Laverge, Nygel Panasco, pauline l. boulba, Sarah Browne, Susie Green (with Kim Coleman, Simon Bayliss & Rory Pilgrim), Tahnee, L’autre and Tiziana La Melia.

Conception graphique : Auriane Preud'homme et Roxanne Maillet.

Index of Operational and Code Names
Diane Guyot de St Michel
immixition books - 20.00€ -

Le titre du livre « Index of operational and code names » reprend l'intitulé d'un document trouvé sur Internet constitué d'une liste de 437 mots anglais classés par ordre alphabétique et accompagnés de brèves indications concernant les opérations militaires pour lesquelles ces mots ont servi de noms de code.

Ce document a inspiré à Diane Guyot la série « Index War » réalisée selon un protocole simple consistant à produire un dessin pour chaque mot de la liste.

Composé de 86 dessins issus de cette série, certains reproduits pour le support du livre, d'autres présentés au sein d'un cahier photographique tels qu'ils sont aujourd'hui accrochés dans les intérieurs de leurs propriétaires, et d'une partie textuelle placée en fin de volume qui restitue l'intégralité du document source, le livre, comme le suggère la mention volume 1 qui accompagne son titre, ne marque pas le point d'achèvement de l'œuvre mais témoigne au contraire d'un processus en cours.

L'articulation des composantes de l'œuvre dans l'espace du livre en constitue en mème temps une nouvelle version, à la fois spécifique et autonome. L'activation du dispositif codex/index invite le lecteur à une méditation sur la notion de code, où s'entrecroisent sémiotique de l'image, technique de propagande et technologie de l'information.

Mon premier coloriage conceptuel
Diane Guyot de Saint Michel & Marthe Pradeau
immixition books - 6.00€ -  out of stock

Mon premier coloriage conceptuel is the first ever conceptual coloring book in the history of the world, until we find evidente to the contrary. For Immixtion Books, publishing this book is both an honor and a form of tribute to a little interactive drawing book titled "Toi par Lui et moi" [You by Him and Me] conceived by Robert Filiou in 1975. Mon premier coloriage conceptuel is the result of a joyful collaboration between Diane Guyot de Saint Michel and Marthe Pradeau.

Bad Advisors - English Landscapes
Camilla Wills
immixition books - 25.00€ -  out of stock

Bad Advisors compiles recent texts with pictures of flowers from the street and public gardens taken in Paris during spring 2017. Mourning is an empty box with an excessive syntax. A rose does not allude to anything except its own existence. But you feel, brushing within its range, a bit more complete, which means the sensation is an apparition from nothing. The rose is an empty box with an excessive syntax. English Landscapes contains a series of white-on-black i-phone touch drawings of hay bales; a circular form that replicates across UK agricultural zones in late summer. The books are a pair.

This book is part of the series

Revue Phylactère n° 1 Patati Patata
Auriane Preud'homme, Roxanne Maillet
immixition books - 25.00€ -  out of stock

Phylactère is born from a deep desire to transcribe performance, with authentic, subjective and spontaneous point of views; giving voice to amateurs, artists, designers and thinkers alike. Phylactère is published once a year. Each issue takes an onomatopoeia as its theme. Phylactère publishes transitional writings and in turn welcomes the discrepancies between a script, the performed action, to its translation; with an extreme and adventurous attention given to contexts, gestures, emotions and spaces put at stake during this transcription.

Phylactère is digging into post-performance, allowing those who weren’t present to get a reading of it and experience it from another perspective. This first issue has the theme of the French onomatopoeia Patati Patata: an inexhaustible and endless chatter, long or short discourse, gossip, word of mouth, whispers… Patati Patata or «Yada Yada Yada» in English, is a too much of speech, an endless story, an et cetera expressed out loud. Phylactère is a journal composed of multiple voices, initiated by Roxanne Maillet and Auriane Preud’homme, produced by RondPoint Projects and published by Immixtion Books.

Contributors : Alexandru Balgiu, Anna Tuccio, Anne Marchis Mouren, ArianE Sirota, Barbara Quintin & Liv Schulman, Barthélémy Cardonne, Camille Soulat, Dorota Gaweda & Egle Kulbokaite, etaïnn zwer, Ilke Gers, Josèfa Ntjam, Laure Vigna, Louise Siffert, Lou-Maria Le Brusq, Maria Barnas, Marouchka Payen, Martha Salimbeni, officeabc, Philippe Goguely, Sarah Korzec, Simili Gum, Sven Dehens et Uta Eisenreich.

Texts in English and French
Graphic Design : Auriane Preud'homme et Roxanne Maillet 

Richard John Jones
immixition books - 25.00€ -  out of stock

This first publication brings together texts, documentation, scripts and reference material relating to the body of work Jones started in 2013. Marking a new cycle in his work the book makes a claim about the status of performance in the context of his wider practice and the function of documentation and image regimes in our current times.

The book is claimed to be a form of ‘paraperformance’, meaning a collection of materials that have circulated alongside or chosen to represent the live moments created in his work over a five year period. It represents seven distinct works of installation, sculpture, and performance by Jones including a new work that is made specifically for the pages of this book.

This collection of materials touches on diverse sources and references including the Radical Faerie movement, the Spanish magazine ‘Party’, Liberace’s libel trials, images of uncontacted Amazonian tribes, the political writing of Jean Genet and an early performance work of Vito Acconci to name but a few.

The thread amongst all of the works included in this book is the subtle interweaving of discourses around theatre, performance, the law, representation and politics and the oscillation between urban space, the public sphere and a queer wilderness. More widely the book uses the specificities within Jones’ research to consider the role that performance could play within the art field and, by extension, how documentation and representation of our everyday lives impacts on how we understand our world at large.

This book is part of the series series

Que Faire
Liv Schulman
immixition books - 17.00€ -  out of stock

In Que Faire? a group of local amateur actors focuses on the exchangeable power of spoken word and its transformative nature. The group searches desperately for ideas, they look for a way to save their jobs through the use of language. They go to group therapy, they lock themselves in the writer’s room and they live their collective unemployment in an empty studio of the former Company. In QueFaire? the power of the collective works as a lonely psycothic voice. The city of Noisy-le-Sec where I have lived for 7 months becomes the ground of this fiction and integrates the inhabitants as actors, the activity and the municipal places of the city, gathering and re-inventing the notions of inspiration and creativity at work.

Authors and contributors: Liv Schulman, in collaboration with Alain Farrès, Dominique Martin, Thomas Brehamet-Godet, Gaëtan Alepee, Nathanaëlle Puaud, Emilie Renard, Zoe Charles, Alban Legass, Régine Besenval, Nadège Souillard et Marjolaine Calipel.

Text in French.
Graphic Design: Roxanne Maillet

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