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Yes, I Am A Destroyer
Mira Mattar
Ma Bibliotheque - 18.00€ -

I travel far across the city, cut it knowingly, concealing behind me the entrances to tunnels, altering the signage. I traverse the grimiest bowels, skirt the farthest wettest edges like a silverfish active only in the hallucinatory hours, to avoid becoming known, to avoid any collusion between my body and theirs, its. 

Under the neon sky of a sick city, which might be London, a nameless governess oscillates between lucidity and dissociation, solitude and communication, wage labour and escape attempts. A wild and unreliable narrator-without-character—ardent, delirious, complicit, vengeful, and paranoid—she embodies a perverse and chaotic resistance. Simultaneously demonic and angelic, both maniacal and generous in her fury, accidentally elegant, tongue tied and barbed, she veers towards defiance as devotion. An anti-Bildungsroman in the collapsing first person, Yes, I Am A Destroyer is an unbecoming record of memory and forgetting, of a relentless undoing. 

‘Any girl who learns how to read is already a lost girl, wrote the infamous confessionalist Rousseau. But if that lost girl, with insatiable pronoun, bastard spawn perhaps of the exiled Genevan, palmed a pen and confessed—how would that read? What can she know? With relentless intelligence and urgent prosody, Mira Mattar shows us. She invents a narrator in the raging anti-tradition of Violette Leduc and Albertine Sarrazin, leaps beyond the cloying contract of capital with the feminine, of intimacy with violence, to animate a lush document of the refusal of subjection. Much like the young Jean-Jacques, she’s a tutor underpaid for her sensitivity. She is, like him, a thief of small things, a sponge for the edifying comportments of the employing class. What she makes of her servitude—a fabulously grotesque encyclopedia of sensing—is dedicated to female anger. Scrubbing, washing, chewing, frigging, barfing, stealing, moisturising, shitting: every surface, every gesture, is appropriated to her bodily resistance.  ‘Live anyway’ is her stoic motto. This glorious tract ends with a call for the anarchical vigour of the animal body we share. Read it and flourish. You will perhaps be invoiced.’ 
–> Lisa Robertson 

Mira Mattar writes fiction and poetry. She is an independent researcher, editor, and tutor. A Palestinian/Jordanian born in the suburbs of London, she continues to live and work there. She has read and published her work widely. Yes, I Am A Destroyer is her first book.

Abécédaire d’auto-édtion féministe
Labrosse Apolline et Clémentine
Censored Magazine - 15.00€ -

Combien rêvent de créer leur propre magazine ? Comment s’y prendre ? Pensé comme un guide, ce livre rassemble des outils, techniques, ressources, conseils et idées pour qui voudrait se lancer dans l’auto-édition ou l’édition. Révolutions éditoriales, graphiques et artistiques - il questionne en même temps l’existence d’une pratique féministe de l’imprimé autonome. Un abécédaire subjectif, joyeux et non exhaustif imaginé par les fondatrices autodidactes de la revue Censored - issu de leurs expériences et de leurs rencontres.

L’objectif de ce livre est de divulger et transmettre la méthode employée par Apolline et Clémentine Labrosse pour publier Censored, de la maquette Indesign à la promotion, en passant par l’organisation interne. Accessibilité, budget, droits, écriture inclusive, La Poste, graphisme, obligations légales… Au total, plus de 60 mots pour transmettre leur vision, hacks et autres stratagèmes. Ce livre est le fruit d’un constat : alors que nous sommes nombreuxses à voir dans l’imprimé un pouvoir révolutionnaire et un terrain d’expression créative et de lutte - difficile d’obtenir des informations pour apprendre à créer un zine, une revue soi-même, à diffuser massivement ou localement. L’édition ne se contente pas de délivrer une recette concrète, mais présente également des observations et réflexions après cinq années d’exploration des nombreuses stratégies visant à amplifier les voix en marge et à transformer les imaginaires : du mouvement des riot grrrls à la création de structures plus officielles.

Ce livre est le deuxième publié aux éditions trouble. Il a été relu et amélioré par Isabella Utria Mago, Elvire Duvelle-Charles et Maria Tasso.

Spectres IV: A Thousand Voices
François J. Bonnet and Bartolomé Sanson (eds.)
Shelter Press - 16.00€ -

The fourth issue of the annual publication dedicated to sound and music experimentation, co-published by Shelter Press and Ina GRM – Groupe de Recherches Musicales, around the topic of voice.

The voice is everywhere, infiltrating everything, making civilisation, marking out territories with infinite borders, spreading from the farthest reaches to the most intimate spaces. It can be neither reduced nor summarised. And accordingly, when taken as a theme, the voice is inexhaustible, even when seen in the light of its very particular relation with the sonic or the musical, as is the case in most of the texts collected in this volume. There is no point therefore in trying to circumscribe or amalgamate the multiple avatars of the voice. We must rather try to apprehend what the voice can do, to envisage its landscape, its potential effects.
Spectres is an annual publication dedicated to sound and music experimentation, co-published by Shelter Press and Ina GRM – Groupe de Recherches Musicales.

Edited by François J. Bonnet and Bartolomé Sanson.

Contributions by Joan La Barbara, Sarah Hennies, Peter Szendy, Youmna Saba, Lee Gamble, Ghédalia Tazartès, David Grubbs, Stine Janvin, Pierre Schaeffer, Akira Sakata, Haela Ravenna Hunt-Hendrix, Yannick Guédon, François J. Bonnet, John Giorno.

N°3 Mirroring
te magazine
te editions - 40.00€ -

Much in our life at this moment is often marked by an absence of clarity. Many have experienced a malaise and come to know its persistence. We seem to have become used to stasis and theoretical discussions, lingering in silence and hoping from time to time for something extraordinary to happen. Yet it might also have been a blessing; an opportunity to free ourselves from overarching narratives, to direct our attention to the individual, the local, and to subjects that have long been part of our own lives—a more agile, intuitive mindset.

The third issue of te magazine took shape in this context, and chose to confront experiences of “plight”—plight of the persecuted, of the artists, of the forgotten, and of those living with colonial legacies. How might we, as individuals, transmute plights in order to learn to live in this world? If each piece in this issue can be said to propose a mode of healing, the aim is not only about specific pathologies, but rather to recommend adjustments and defenses in moments of crisis. While writing on the plights of others, the authors also look inward for the roots of questions that they have long harbored about their own experiences. As introduced by Jacques Lacan, the theory of “the mirror stage” refers to children's initial awareness of their own existence. As adults, we continue to grapple with the process of self-discovery and understanding, at times feeling trapped deeply in the “mirror.”

This issue’s theme, Mirroring represents a continuous exploration of the self. On the one hand, these pieces document the processes of setbacks, negating, questioning and reconciling; on the other, delineate the self through the other, a process discernible in several jointly-authored pieces in this issue, where a special connection and sense of fellowship formed through dialogue, correspondence, and collaborative research. In Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse described how the protagonist's worldview was shaped through seeking and struggle, and we hear in it an echo of the inspiration behind this issue of te: “But now, his liberated eyes stayed on this side, he saw and became aware of the visible, sought to be at home in this world, did not search for the true essence, did not aim at a world beyond.” (Siddhartha by H. Hesse, translated by Hilda Rosner, Bantam Books,1971)

Contributors:  Guadalupe Maravilla, Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, Kader Attia, Gantala Press, Peng Jen-Yu, An Mengzhu, Chang Yuchen, Chris Zhongtian Yuan, Chu Yun, Chen Zhe, Lieko Shiga

Trans Femme Futures: Abolitionist Ethics for Transfeminist Worlds
Nat Raha and Mijke van der Drift
Pluto Press - 20.00€ -

'Femme' describes a constellation of queer, gendered expressions that uproot expectations of what it means to be feminine. Building upon experiences of transformation, belonging and harm, this book is a transfeminist call for collective liberation.

Trans Femme Futures envisions the future through everyday actions that revolutionise our lives. Nat Raha and Mijke van der Drift discuss struggles around trans healthcare, the need for collectives over institutions, the importance of mutual care, and transfeminism as abolition.

The authors show how social change can be achieved through transformative practices that allow queer life to thrive in a time of climate, health, political and economic crises.

'A brilliant, useful, and immensely moving book that deals a critical blow to the epistemic austerity of our times' - Jordy Rosenberg

A Programme of Absolute Disorder: Decolonizing the Museum
Françoise Vergès
Pluto Press - 25.00€ -

The Western museum is a battleground - a terrain of ideological, political and economic contestation. Almost everyone today wants to rethink the museum, but how many have the audacity to question the idea of the universal museum itself?

In A Programme of Absolute Disorder, Françoise Vergès puts the museum in its place. Exploring the Louvre's history, she uncovers the context in which the universal museum emerged: as a product of colonialism, and of Europe's self-appointed claim to be the guardian of global heritage.

Vergès outlines a radical horizon: to truly decolonize the museum is to implement a 'programme of absolute disorder', inventing other ways of apprehending the human and non-human world that nourish collective creativity and bring justice and dignity to the dispossessed.

Foreword by Paul Gilroy

Translated by Melissa Thackway

A Decolonial Feminism
Françoise Vergès
Pluto Press - 17.00€ -

'A vibrant and compelling framework for feminism in our times' - Judith Butler

For too long feminism has been co-opted by the forces they seek to dismantle. In this powerful manifesto, Francoise Verges argues that feminists should no longer be accomplices of capitalism, racism, colonialism and imperialism: it is time to fight the system that created the boss, built the prisons and polices women’s bodies.

A Decolonial Feminism grapples with the central issues in feminist debates today: from Eurocentrism and whiteness, to power, inclusion and exclusion. Delving into feminist and anti-racist histories, Verges also assesses contemporary activism, movements and struggles, including #MeToo and the Women's Strike.

Centring anticolonialism and anti-racism within an intersectional Marxist feminism, the book puts forward an urgent demand to free ourselves from the capitalist, imperialist forces that oppress us.

Radical Intimacy
Sophie K Rosa
Pluto Press - 19.00€ -

An impassioned discussion about the alternative ways to form relationships and resist capitalism.

Capitalist ideology wants us to believe that there is an optimal way to live. 'Making connections' means networking for work. Our emotional needs are to be fulfilled by a single romantic partner, and self-care equates to taking personal responsibility for our suffering. We must be productive and heterosexual, we must have babies and buy a house. But the kicker is most people cannot and do not want to achieve all, or any of these life goals. Instead we are left feeling atomised, exhausted and disempowered.

Radical Intimacy shows that it doesn't need to be this way. A punchy and impassioned account of inspiring ideas about alternative ways to live, Sophie K Rosa demands we use our radical imagination to discover a new form of intimacy and to transform our personal lives and in turn society as a whole.

Including critiques of the 'wellness' industry that ignores rising poverty rates, the mental health crisis and racist and misogynist state violence; transcending love and sex under capitalism to move towards feminist, decolonial and queer thinking; asking whether we should abolish the family; interrogating the framing of ageing and death and much more, Radical Intimacy is the compassionate antidote to a callous society.

Ghassan Kanafani: Selected Political Writings
Ghassan Kanafani
Pluto Press - 24.00€ -

Ghassan Kanafani (1936 - 1972) is perhaps the greatest Palestinian novelist, whose books including Men in the Sun and Returning to Haifa documented the horrors of war and occupation. He was also a leading political thinker, strategist and revolutionary. Here, his writings on politics, history, national liberation and the media are collected in English for the first time.

Featuring new commentary from leading writers, this collection is a testament to Kanafani's continuing relevance. His work remains a vital touchstone for revolutionary Palestinian struggle and anti-colonial thought.

Edited by Louis Brehony and Tahrir Hamdi

Voices of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine
Diana Allan (ed.)
Pluto Press - 27.00€ -

First-generation Palestinian refugees recall life before and after the Nakba.

During the 1948 war more than 750,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were violently expelled from their homes by Zionist militias. The legacy of the Nakba - which translates to 'disaster' or 'catastrophe' - lays bare the violence of the ongoing Palestinian plight.

Voices of the Nakba collects the stories of first-generation Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, documenting a watershed moment in the history of the modern Middle East through the voices of the people who lived through it.

The interviews, with commentary from leading scholars of Palestine and the Middle East, offer a vivid journey into the history, politics and culture of Palestine, defining Palestinian popular memory on its own terms in all its plurality and complexity.

Afterword by Rosemary Sayigh. Winner of an English PEN Award 2021.

Prairie, Dresses, Art, Other
Danielle Dutton
Prototype Publishing - 16.00€ -

In Prairie, Dresses, Art, Other Danielle Dutton imagines new models for how literature might work in our fractured times. Dutton’s writing is as protean as it is beguiling, using the different styles and different spaces of experience to create a collage of the depths and strangeness of contemporary life.

This hybrid literary collection covers an inventive selection of subjects in four eponymous sections which contrast and echo one another, challenging our expectations and pushing the limits of the dream-like worlds and moods that language might create.

‘Danielle Dutton is a writer whose work I wait for. When a new book comes, I keep it very close… Her growing body of work is among the most formally inventive (and therefore essential) I can think of, and Prairie, Dresses, Art, Other is a vital, enlivening addition to it.’ – Kate Briggs

Danielle Dutton is the author of the novels Margaret the First and SPRAWL, the prose collection Attempts at a Life, the illustrated nonfiction chapbook A Picture Held Us Captive, and she wrote the text interpolations for Richard Kraft’s Here Comes Kitty: A Comic Opera. Her fiction has appeared in magazines and journals including The New Yorker, The Paris Review, The White Review, Harper’s, BOMB, and NOON. Dutton teaches at Washington University in St. Louis and is cofounder and editor of the award-winning feminist press Dorothy, a publishing project. Born and raised in California, she has lived on the (former) prairie now for roughly twenty years.

Bodies of Sound: Becoming a Feminist Ear
Irene Revell and Sarah Shin (eds.)
Silver Press - 20.00€ -

‘I am concerned with the power of sound! and what it can do to the body and the mind,’ wrote composer Pauline Oliveros. In the body, histories and politics come together with sound and listening, memory and feeling. Bodies of Sound offers a resonant exploration of feminist sonic cultures and radical listening in over fifty contributions. In this book of echoes, a variety of forms – from essays to text scores to art, fiction and memoir – speak across gender, ways of knowing, witnessing, sounding and voicing, translation, displacement, violence and peace.

With contributions from: 

Sara Ahmed, Ximena Alarcón, Svetlana Alexievich, Ain Bailey & Frances Morgan, Anna Barham, Xenia Benivolski, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson & Kite, Elena Biserna, Karen Barad & Black Quantum Futurism, Anne Bourne, Daniela Cascella, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Maria Chávez, Don Mee Choi, Carson Cole Arthur, Petero Kalulé & AM Kanngieser, Lindsay Cooper, Julia Eckhardt, Lucia Farinati & Claudia Firth, Ella Finer, Annie Goh, Louise Gray, Christina Hazboun, Johanna Hedva, Sarah Hennies, Tomoko Hojo, IONE, Lee Ingleton, Hannah Catherine Jones, Christine Sun Kim, Nat Lall, Cathy Lane, Jeanne Lee & Lona Foote, Marysia Lewandowska, Annea Lockwood & Jennifer Lucy Allan, Cannach MacBride, Elaine Mitchener & Hannah Kendall, Alison O'Daniel, Naomi Okabe, Pauline Oliveros, Daphne Oram, Gascia Ouzounian, Holly Pester, Roy Claire Potter, Anna Raimondo, Tara Rodgers, Aura Satz & Barbara London, Shortwave Collective, Sisters of the Order of Celestial Nephology, Sop, Syma Tariq, Marie Thompson, Trinh T. Minh-ha & Stoffel Debuysere, Salomé Voegelin

Dialogues on CoreCore & the Contemporary Online Avant-Garde
0nty & OnMyComputer (Eds.)
becoming press - 25.00€ -

Featuring contributions from various artists and authors, including Louis Morelle, Persis Bekkering & Crisis Acting. 

Dialogues on CoreCore & the Contemporary Online Avant-Garde gathers the work of over forty artists, writers, and philosophers to address the trajectories of the underground avant-garde digital art-world. A variety of topics and visual styles are represented in this anthology, but particular attention is paid to CoreCore, the DIY experimental filmmaking meta-trend which emerged on TikTok in the dusk of 2020. In part an anthology of critical and experimental essays, in part a curatorial artbook, in part a volume of conference proceedings, this text invites the viewer to explore the grassroots conference of a particular cybercultural moment. 

This book follows on from the proceedings of All Things are Nothing to Us, a symposium on CoreCore and the Contemporary Online Avant-Garde, held on December 2nd. 2023, at the School of Visual Arts, NYC; organized by 0nty and OnMyComputer (Dylan Smith). 

Where does a Body begin? Biology's function in contemporary capitalism
becoming press - 12.00€ -

We are presenting here a very fun, yet rigorously peer-reviewed and intellectual work from a Ph.D scholar with a renowned sense of humor, introduced by another fantastic artist and thinker from another universe. To cap it off, the book is illustrated by Rachel Lillim, whose visual style is so compelling that it helps everyone see the work for what it is: otherworldly, playful and queer, but serious and discerning at the same time. It's a biology text about the body put together by a team of those who are, by and large, under- represented in the field. 

With a Foreword by i0 xen0 

Semiotics of the End: Essays on Capitalism and the Apocalypse
Alessandro Sbordoni
becoming press - 12.00€ -

The apocalypse as such will not take place, as it is already finished. Today, there is no longer any difference between the end of the world and capitalism itself: from Britney Spears’ Till the World Ends to The Caretaker’s Everywhere at the End of Time, from Avenger’s Endgame to Donnie Darko, and all the way down to the internet’s Backrooms, the world never ends but is reproduced again and again according to the semio-logic of capital. 

In contrast with Mark Fisher’s Capitalist Realism, Semiotics of the End is a manifesto for the imagination of another relationship with the end. If it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism, as Slavoj Žižek, Fredric Jameson, and Mark Fisher put it, it is only because we have not imagined anything yet. The end is just the beginning.

With an Afterword by Matt Bluemink 

Affects & Dreams: a manual for Becoming
niko mas
becoming press - 10.00€ -

Affects & Dreams: a manual for Becoming, the first book authored by niko mas, is a relatively quick dive into the waters of Becoming; a schizo-guide to our publishing practice (why, how, and for what cause do we publish/transmit). We tell the story of a radio show that bridged our project Crossdressing Diogenes with our latest project, Becoming. In telling the story of how we arrived here at all, we have a chance to index all of the fields and domains that Becoming has entered into so far, and begins to maniacally draw lines through many subjects.

Some of the topics covered here include:
Images of Thought, Listening modes, Negativity and The Ear, Minimalism, Honest Electronics, Logocentrism, Metaphysics of Presence, Natural
Physics, Lumbung Radio, Rave Culture, Tripping, Radio Control Rooms, Analogical Transmissions, Anamorphoses, Insomniac Dream-Machines.

Islands of Kinship – A Collective Manual for Sustainable and Inclusive Art Institutions
Barbora Ciprová, Tereza Jindrová, Karina Kottová, Nikola Ludlová (eds.)
Mousse Publishing - 38.00€ -

This comprehensive publication is the result of a two-year collaboration within the platform Islands of Kinship, which interconnects six mid-scale visual art institutions across diverse regions in Europe (Prague, Bratislava, Bitola/Skopje, Cologne, Helsinki, Riga). The project represents an innovative model of collaboration addressing issues of inclusion, kinship and togetherness, democratic exchange, and the ethics, emotions, and practical solutions needed for fair and sustainable institutional operations.

In this publication a unique group of curators, artists, and experts involved in their respective organizations as inclusion and sustainability coordinators reflect on social and environmental responsibility in artistic and institutional practice from theoretical, political, and practical perspectives. Through essays, mind maps, codes of conduct, and lists of principles and recommendations, they address issues such as accessibility, just representation, and participation. Apart from these contributions, the publication also features artistic projects that were presented in exhibitions and public programs in the framework of Islands of Kinship.

Texts by Ieva Astahovska, Jana Brsakoska, Veronika Čechová, Kris Dittel, Daniel Grúň, Michal Klodner, Eloïse Bonneviot & Anne de Boer, Jussi Koitela, Karina Kottová, Diana Lelonek, Nikola Ludlová, Aneta Rostkowska, Paulina Seyfried, Katarína Slezáková, Taka Taka, James Taylor-Foster, Fran Trento, Ivana Vaseva.

Visible – Art as Policies for Care – Socially Engaged Art (2010-Ongoing)
Martina Angelotti, Matteo Lucchetti, Judith Wielander (eds.)
Nero Editions - 28.00€ -

Comprehensive documentation on 43 outstanding socially committed artistic projects over the past twenty years.

The book Visible: Art as Policies for Care. Socially Engaged Art (2010–Ongoing) was born from the editors' enduring curatorial research into long-term situated art projects that exist within the social sphere, beyond the logic of the traditional art system, confronting unjust systems, and prefiguring novel visions for living together.

The socially engaged art projects collected here hold a significant place in the constantly evolving trans-local art scene of the past two decades, and form a lens through which to observe changing realities and their urgencies; they redefine the concept of art in light of current climatic, political, and social changes and foster the dematerialization of the artwork in processes that become policies of culture and care.

The publication is composed of four main sections with overarching photo documentation—interviews, essays, forums, and short literary texts—collecting contributions by artists, anthropologists, novelists, activists, and sociologists, such as Anna Tsing, Wissal Houbabi, Maria Thereza Alves, Tania Bruguera, Jonas Staal, DAAR - Decolonizing Architecture Art Research, Giuseppe Campuzano and Nan Goldin.

Edited by Martina Angelotti, Matteo Lucchetti, Judith Wielander.

Contributions by Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, Maria Thereza Alves, Martina Angelotti, Art Labor, Kader Attia, Gianfranco Baruchello, Richard Bell, Black Quantum Futurism, Brave New Alps, Tania Bruguera, Zoe Butt, Giuseppe Campuzano & Miguel López, Beatrice Catanzaro & Fatima Kadumy, CATPC, Marco Cavallo, Chimurenga, Luke Ching, Chto Delat, Emanuele Coccia, Cooking Sections, Luigi Coppola, Radha D'Souza & Jonas Staal, DAAR / Sandi Hilal & Alessandro Petti, Nico Dockx & Seppe Nobels, Maddalena Fingerle, Forensic Architecture, Futurefarmers, María Galindo, Néstor García Canclini, Daniel Godínez Nivón, Morten Goll, Adam Greenfield, Raphaël Grisey & Bouba Touré, Helon Habila, Helena Producciones, Sandi Hilal, Kim Hou, Wissal Houbabi, Adelita Husni Bey, Emily Jacir, Karrabing Film Collective, Selom Kudjie & Ibrahim Mahama, Zacharias Kunuk, Maria Lai, Le Nemesiache, Carolina Lio, Matteo Lucchetti, Wu Mali, Colum McCann, Marisa Morán Jahn, Zanele Muholi, Myvillages, Paolo Naldini, Jesús "Bubú" Negrón, Tone Olaf Nielsen, Otobong Nkanga, Rachel O'Reilly, Ahmet Öğüt, P.A.I.N., Jasmeen Patheja, Narawan Kyo Pathomvat, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Ai-jen Poo, Pussy Riot (Nadya Tolokonnikova), Sahar Qawasmi & Nida Sinnokrot, Tabita Rezaire, Robida, Rojava Film Commune, ruangrupa (Farid Rakun), Jon Rubin & Dawn Weleski, Beatrice Salvioni, Alejandra Sarria, Igiaba Scego, Dread Scott, Superflex, Pelin Tan, Bert Theis, Anna Tsing, Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas, Nadeesha Uyangoda, Éric Van Hove, Judith Wielander, Andrea Zegna, Anna Zegna.

Resurgent Nahda – Arab Exhibitions in 1930s Jerusalem
Nadi Abusaada (ed)
Kaph Books - 40.00€ -

The cultural and political legacies of the the 1933 and 1934 Arab Exhibitions in Jerusalem.

Resurgent Nahda examines the 1933 and 1934 Arab Exhibitions in Mandate Jerusalem, highlighting the city's role in asserting a regional Arab Nahda and fostering economic, cultural, and artistic exchange amid post-WWI geopolitical fragmentation.

The book emerges from Nadi Abusaada's seven years of research, including an award-winning 2019 essay in the Jerusalem Quarterly and two exhibitions he curated at the Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center in Ramallah (2022–2023) and Darat al-Funun in Amman (2024). Featuring six essays, an interview, and primary materials—archival documents, crafts, and artworks—the book explores Jerusalem's connections with Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, and Beirut, tracing the journeys of artists, craftspeople, architects, and journalists who shaped this pivotal chapter in modern Arab history.

Nadi Abusaada is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the American University of Beirut. His work focuses on the material histories and visual cultures of the modern Arab world. He holds a PhD in architecture from the University of Cambridge. He has also held various academic fellowships including the ETH Zürich Postdoctoral Fellowship at ETH Zürich and the Aga Khan Postdoctoral Fellowship in Islamic Architecture at MIT. Besides his writings, Nadi Abusaada has also been involved in research-based curatorial work. He has curated and participated in a number of exhibitions around the world including in Ramallah, Amman, Zurich, Venice, Dubai, and Montreal.

Edited by Nadi Abusaada.
Texts by Nadi Abusaada, Nisa Ari, Wesam Al Asali, Samira Badran, Nadine Nour el Din, Kirsten Scheid, Sary Zananiri.

Entangled – Texts On Textiles
Anne Szefer Karlsen (ed.)
Archive Books - 20.00€ -

What does it mean to be a curator who writes, and, more specifically, how can curators write about textiles? This publication steps outside the framework of the typical exhibition catalogue to occupy "the space between literature and criticism".

The Community of writers was set up to create time and space to retreat from these outside opinions and demands and to let curiosity and the joy of writing be the driving forces of the writing process. This book has been realised under the auspice of Interweaving Structures: Fabric as Material, Method, and Message, and specifically through collaboration between the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design at the University of Bergen and the Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź. The two partners have strong positions of specialisation—the museum acts as a caretaker of material textile traditions and art in Poland, and the faculty has a strong textile art tradition and offers the only education programme for curators in Norway.

Edited by Anne Szefer Karlsen.
Contributions by Andreas Hoffmann, Heather Jones, Martina Petrelli, Anne Szefer Karlsen, Lea Vene, Johanna Zanon.

Qu'est-ce que le sexe ?
Alenka Zupančič
Diaphanes - 20.00€ -

La sexualité comme un problème proprement philosophique de la psychanalyse.

La satisfaction de parler contient en soi une clé de la satisfaction sexuelle (et non l'inverse) – une clé de la sexualité et de ses propres contradictions. Alenka Zupančič aborde la question de la sexualité comme un problème proprement philosophique de la psychanalyse – celle de Freud et de Lacan – et non celle des praticiens cliniciens tels que décrits par Lacan « orthopédistes de l'inconscient ». Que se passe-t-il, comme l'affirme Lacan, si nous pouvons obtenir exactement la même satisfaction que le sexe par la parole, l'écriture, la peinture, la prière ou autres activités ? Il ne s'agit pas d'expliquer la satisfaction que procure la parole en indiquant son origine sexuelle, mais bien de souligner que la satisfaction de parler est elle-même sexuelle.

Alenka Zupančič soutient que la sexualité est à la limite d'un « circuit court » entre ontologie et épistémologie. La sexualité et le savoir sont structurés autour d'une négativité fondamentale qui les unit au point de l'inconscient. L'inconscient (en tant que lien avec la sexualité) est le concept d'un lien inhérent entre l'être et la connaissance dans leur négativité même.
Alenka Zupančič est une philosophe lacanienne, spécialiste renommée de Nietzsche, professeure à l'European Graduate School / EGS et à l'Université de Nova Gorica, Slovénie. Elle est également research advisor et professeure à l'Institut de philosophie du Centre de recherche de l'Académie slovène des Sciences et des Arts. Avec Slavoj Žižek et Mladen Dolar, Alenka Zupančič est l'une des figures les plus incontournables de l'Ecole de psychanalyse théorique de Ljubljana dont les travaux s'intéressent aux relations entre sexualité, ontologie et inconscient, à la critique de la théorie du sujet et à l'exploration théorique du concept lacanien du Réel.

Dusk – Anthology – Contemporary Lebanese Women Poets
Nada Ghosn and Paulina Spiechowicz (eds.)
Kaph Books - 35.00€ -

This anthology presents a selection of over 100 texts by some sixty contemporary Lebanese women poets, reflecting the plurality of voices that tell, each in their own way, to the many facets of the same country. The trilingual book (in English, French and Arabic), edited by Nada Ghosn et Paulina Spiechowicz, published after four years of research, is accompanied by artworks from Etel Adnan, Laure Ghorayeb, Huguette Caland, Afaf Zurayk, Manar Ali Hassan, and Jana Eid.

During these troubled times that Lebanon is going through, the anthology of contemporary Lebanese women poets aims to give a voice to those underrepresented in literary studies and the art world alike.

This poetry book aims at carving a path made of a plurality of voices: around sixty poets and over one hundred texts that tell, each in its own way, the many facets of a single country, like a kinetic atlas, a lyrical fresco carried by reading, traveling, translating, and contemporary art in the broadest sense.

Contributions by Violette Abou Jalad, Etel Adnan, Sana Al-Bana, Hoda Al-Naamani, Susanne Alaywan, Manar Ali Hassan, Thérèse Aouad Basbous, Romy Lynn Attieh, Ritta Baddoura, Rita Bassil, Valérie Cachard, Huguette Caland, Elmira Chackal, Andrée Chedid, Majida Dagher, Ranim Daher, Frida Debbané, Amanda Dufour, Mireille Eid, Leila Eid, Jana Eid, Nada El Hage, May Elian, Tamirace Fakhoury, Claire Gebeyli, Rim Ghandour, Laure Ghorayeb, Hala Ghosn, Joumana Haddad, Katia-Sofia Hakim, Darine Houmani, Inaya Jaber, Mariam Janjelo, Edvick Jureidini Shayboub, Hana Khatoun, Vénus Khoury Ghata, Michèle Gharios, Nadine Makarem, Noha Moussawi, May Murr, Linda Nassar, Amal Nawwar, Myra Prince, Violaine Prince, Rouba Saba, Nohad Salameh, Christiane Saleh, Roula Saliba, Mo Maria Sarkis, Nada Sattouf, Maha Sultan, Yvonne Sursock, Samia Toutounji, Nadia Tuéni, Hyam Yared, Sabah Zouein, Afaf Zurayk.

Trilingual edition: Eng, Fr, Ar.

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