
Not Not Nothing
Mette Edvardsen
Varamo Press - 15.00€ -

This publication brings together the texts from the pieces Black (2011), No Title (2014), We to be (2015) and oslo (2017) created and performed by Mette Edvardsen. These pieces have been developed using language as material, looking into the relationship between writing and speaking, between language and voice. Mette Edvardsen is working on the verge of the visible, considering choreography as writing.

Touching Feeling
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
Duke University Press - 24.00€ -  out of stock

A pioneer in queer theory and literary studies, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick brings together for the first time in Touching Feeling her most powerful explorations of emotion and expression. In essays that show how her groundbreaking work in queer theory has developed into a deep interest in affect, Sedgwick offers what she calls "tools and techniques for nondualistic thought," in the process touching and transforming such theoretical discourses as psychoanalysis, speech-act theory, Western Buddhism, and the Foucauldian "hermeneutics of suspicion."

Still Life 4
Hamish MacPherson
Self-Published - 9.00€ -

STILL LIFE is an online and printed zine about relationships and configurations in which one person is still while others are not. Or where one person is passive and others are active. It’s about how we put ourselves in other people’s hands. Or how we are put in other people’s hands. It’s about care and power and vulnerability and agency. And other things not so clearly named. It’s about the different kinds of knowledge that people have about their own and other people’s bodies. And the kind of philosophical and political understandings woven into that knowledge.

All the Stories
Dora Garcia
Book Works - 20.00€ -  out of stock

They recite all the stories of the world in a loud voice. When they're done, all the stories, all time and all places will have passed through their lips...’ With the minimum of instructions and a restricted format of four lines, Dora García’s collaborative and participatory project has now collected over 2,500 stories. Ranging from mundane to the extraordinary, these four line vignettes reveal the shared fears and fantasies of the contributors, the pervasiveness of popular culture and the possibilities of the imagination.

Cally Spooner
Slimvolume Synthesis - 20.00€ -  out of stock
Edited by Andrew Hunt and Cally Spooner with an introduction by Will Holder. Scripts comprises twelve works produced between 2009 and 2015, including: A Six Stage Manifesto On Action (2011), Collapsing In Parts (2012), and And You Were Wonderful, On Stage (film script) (2014-15).
Still Life 3
Hamish MacPherson
Self-Published - 9.00€ -  out of stock

STILL LIFE is an online and printed zine about relationships and configurations in which one person is still while others are not. It’s about care and power and vulnerability and agency. And other things not so clearly named. It’s about the different kinds of knowledge that people have about their own and other people’s bodies.

Spectacle #1 #2 #3
Sara Manente
Self-Published - 15.00€ -  out of stock

Spectacles is a research by Sara Manente starting from the distance between language and experience, specifically the experience of dance and performance.
Contains Spectacle #1 #2 #3 + the script of spectacle #4.

This Container (Ed. 6)
Chloe Chignell with Maia Means
Self-Published - 10.00€ -  out of stock

This Container is an open host for texts and documents that come through and alongside choreographic thinking. It’s a recipe, but not for eating; a sequel to everything up until now; horizontal tourism; many feminists’ elegy; opinions weakened with time; an inaudible lesbian opera; a future ballet manifesto; dances and desires; cheating discipline; purposely misplaced; only poems; statements and speculations; a diagram for artistic research; and an incomplete encyclopaedia of random knowledge and dear dances. This Container takes shape according to its content, without organising through prominent narratives or figures, this container wants to weave, leaving holes and threads between the forms of writing.

Deborah Birch 
Jennifer Boyd 
Oda Brekke 
Chloe Chignell 
Sven Dehens 
Alle Dicu 
Ruta Dumciute
Irina Gheorghe
Anya Kravchenko
Maia Means
Zoë Poluch
Ellen Soderhult

Jul/Aug 2018

More info at

Ann-Christin Berg Kongsness
Self-Published - 14.00€ -

Koreografi / Choreography is a magazine initiated and edited by Solveig Styve Holte, Runa Borch Skolseg and Ann-Christin Berg Kongsness. The magazine consists of texts written by Nordic artists within the field of dance and choreography.

Black Hyperbox
Alina Popa, Florin Fleuras
P-U-N-C-H - 16.00€ -  out of stock

Black Hyperbox comes forth as a place that holds incompatible conceptual zones and spatiotemporalities together: Old World and New World, theater and jungle, jaguars and AI, prehistory and futurism, the earthly home and the alien space, Mecca and the North Pole, spaceships lost in cosmos and the politics of Isis, Malevich’s black square and the moon travel, thought and hallucination.

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