by Silvia Federici

Caliban et la Sorcière
Silvia Federici
Éditions Entremonde - 24.00€ -  out of stock

Silvia Federici revi­site ce moment par­ti­cu­lier de l’his­toire qu’est la tran­si­tion entre le féo­da­lisme et le capi­ta­lisme, en y intro­dui­sant la pers­pec­tive par­ti­cu­lière de l’his­toire des femmes.

Elle nous invite à réflé­chir aux rap­ports d’exploi­ta­tion et de domi­na­tion, à la lumière des bou­le­ver­se­ments intro­duits à l’issue du Moyen Âge. Un monde nou­veau nais­sait, pri­va­ti­sant les biens autre­fois col­lec­tifs, trans­for­mant les rap­ports de tra­vail et les rela­tions de genre. Ce nou­veau monde, où des mil­lions d’escla­ves ont posé les fon­da­tions du capi­ta­lisme moderne, est aussi le résul­tat d’un asser­vis­se­ment sys­té­ma­ti­que des femmes. Par la chasse aux sor­ciè­res et l’escla­vage, la tran­si­tion vers le capi­ta­lisme fai­sait de la moder­nité une affaire de dis­ci­pline. Discipline des corps fémi­nins dévo­lus à la repro­duc­tion, consu­més sur les bûchers comme autant de signaux ter­ri­fiants, tor­tu­rés pour lais­ser voir leur méca­ni­que intime, anéan­tis socia­le­ment. Discipline des corps d’escla­ves, servis à la machine sociale dans un for­mi­da­ble mou­ve­ment d’acca­pa­re­ment des res­sour­ces du Nouveau Monde pour la for­tune de l’ancien.

Le capi­ta­lisme contem­po­rain pré­sente des simi­li­tu­des avec son passé le plus vio­lent. Ce qu’on a décrit comme bar­ba­rie et dont aurait su triom­pher le siècle de la raison est cons­ti­tu­tif de ce mode de pro­duc­tion : l’escla­vage et l’anéan­tis­se­ment des femmes n’étaient pas des pro­ces­sus for­tuits, mais des néces­si­tés de l’accu­mu­la­tion de richesse. L’auteur nous invite à par­ta­ger son son regard d’his­to­rienne et de fémi­niste sur la situa­tion actuelle et sur ses méca­nis­mes.

Essai, traduction de l’anglais (États-Unis) par le collectif Senonevero, revue et complétée par Julien Guazzini

Silvia Federici (née en 1942 à Parme en Italie) est une uni­ver­si­taire amé­ri­caine, ensei­gnante et mili­tante fémi­niste révo­lu­tion­naire. Elle est pro­fes­seure émérite et cher­cheuse à l’Université Hofstra à New York.

Réenchanter le monde
Silvia Federici
Éditions Entremonde - 20.00€ -  out of stock

Silvia Federici pré­sente une his­toire cri­ti­que de la poli­ti­que des com­muns dans une pers­pec­tive fémi­niste. De son vécu au Nigeria et de ses ren­contres avec des mili­tan­tes d’Amérique latine et du monde entier, Federici révèle les luttes quo­ti­dien­nes des femmes contre la spo­lia­tion de leur terre, de leur loge­ment et nour­ri­ture. De ses recher­ches his­to­ri­ques, elle com­pare les enclo­su­res, qui ont permis la nais­sance du capi­ta­lisme par la des­truc­tion des com­muns et la pro­lé­ta­ri­sa­tion des popu­la­tions rura­les, aux « nou­vel­les enclo­su­res » au cœur de la phase actuelle d’accu­mu­la­tion capi­ta­liste mon­diale. Cet ouvrage sou­tient que les luttes autour de la repro­duc­tion sociale sont cru­cia­les à la fois pour notre survie économique que pour la cons­truc­tion d’un monde libéré des hié­rar­chies et des divi­sions que le capi­tal a implan­tées dans le corps du pro­lé­ta­riat inter­na­tio­nal.

Federici consi­dère que les com­muns ne doi­vent pas être com­pris comme des îlots de par­tage dans un océan de rela­tions d’exploi­ta­tion, mais plutôt comme des espa­ces auto­no­mes à partir des­quels défier l’orga­ni­sa­tion capi­ta­liste de la vie et du tra­vail.

Essai traduit de l’anglais par Noémie Grunenwald.

Silvia Federici (née en 1942 à Parme en Italie) est une uni­ver­si­taire amé­ri­caine, ensei­gnante et mili­tante fémi­niste révo­lu­tion­naire. Elle est pro­fes­seure émérite et cher­cheuse à l’Université Hofstra à New York.

Par-Delà Les Frontières Du Corps
Silvia Federici
Éditions Divergences - 15.00€ -  out of stock

Comment reprendre corps ? Comment nous rapporter au corps, cet objet éminemment historique, domestiqué, violenté, pathologisé ? Silvia Federici répond : écoutons le langage du corps, sa fragilité et ses imperfections, afin de retrouver, par-delà ses frontières, la continuité magique qui nous relie aux autres êtres vivants qui peuplent la terre. Mais surtout, identifions la plaie : les rapports sociaux de genre, de classe et de race. Dans cet ouvrage accessible et personnel, en discussion avec les mouvements féministes contemporains, Silvia Federici entreprend d’extirper nos corps des pouvoirs et des dispositifs technologiques qui les aliènent et les transforment. Politiques de l’identité, chirurgie de transformation des corps, nouvelles technologies reproductives, ce livre examine avec lucidité ces questions brûlantes qui traversent le champ féministe.

Traduit de l'anglais par Léa Nicolas-Teboul

Patriarchy of the Wage: Notes on Marx, Gender, and Feminism
Silvia Federici
PM Press - 15.50€ -  out of stock

In Patriarchy of the Wage, Silvia Federici, bestselling author and the most important Marxist feminist of our era, asks why Marx's crucial analysis of the exploitation of human labor was blind to women's work and struggle on the terrain of social reproduction. Why was Marx unable to anticipate the profound transformations in the proletarian family that took place at the turn of the nineteenth century creating a new patriarchal regime? Patriarchy of the Wage does more than just redefine classical Marxism. It is an urgent call for a new kind of radical politics.

Caccia alle streghe, guerra alle donne
Silvia Federici
Nero Editions - 15.00€ -  out of stock

La caccia alle streghe è tornata scatenare nel XXI secolo una nuova ondata di violenza, interpersonale e istituzionale, contro le donne. E anche oggi, come nel Medioevo, questa violenza misogina che demonizza la donna procede di pari passo con l’accumulazione capitalistica, che si sviluppa attraverso processi di espropriazione e distruzione dei rapporti di solidarietà e potere che regolano la vita delle comunità.

Silvia Federici esamina le cause profonde della guerra in atto, fatta non solo di violenza domestica e sessuale, ma anche economica e strutturale, il cui esito è ancora una volta quello di sovvertire i processi di riproduzione sociale per spaccare le comunità e aprire la strada all’individualismo funzionale al progetto neoliberista. Caccia alle streghe, guerra alle donne è un’indagine sulle cause di questa nuova violenza e una chiamata femminista alle armi, che attraverso la memoria e l’analisi del passato offre spunti inediti per le lotte a venire.

Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women
Silvia Federici
PM Press - 15.50€ -

The world is witnessing a new surge of interpersonal and institutional violence against women, including new witch hunts. This surge of violence has occurred alongside an expansion of capitalist social relation. In this new work, Silvia Federici examines the root causes of these developments and outlines the consequences for the women affected and their communities. She argues, that this new war on women, a mirror of witch hunts in 16th- and 17th-century Europe and the "New World," is a structural element of the new forms of capitalist accumulation. These processes are founded on the destruction of people's most basic means of reproduction. Like at the dawn of capitalism, the factors behind today's violence against women are processes of enclosure, land dispossession, and the remolding of women's reproductive activities and subjectivity.

Silvia Federici is a feminist writer, teacher, and militant. In 1972 she was co-founder of the International Feminist Collective that launched the campaign for Wages for Housework internationally. Her previous books include Caliban and the Witch and Revolution at Point Zero. She is a professor emerita at Hofstra University, where she was a social science professor.

Caliban and the Witch
Silvia Federici
Autonomedia - 20.00€ -  out of stock

Caliban and The Witch: Women, The Body and Primitive Accumulation is a history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the witch-hunts and the rise of mechanical philosophy, Federici investigates the capitalist rationalization of social reproduction. She shows how the battle against the rebel body and the conflict between body and mind are essential conditions for the development of labor power and self-ownership, two central principles of modern social organization.

"In the neoliberal era of postmodernism, the proletariat is whited-out from the pages of history. Federici recovers its historical substance by telling its story starting at the beginning, with the throes of its birth. This is a book of remembrance, of a trauma burned into the body of women, which left a scar on humanity's memory as deep and painful as those caused by famine, slaughter, and enslavement." — Peter Linebaugh

Silvia Federici is a longtime feminist activist and teacher. In 1972 she was among the founders of the International Feminist Collective, the organization that launched the Campaign for Wages For Housework in the US and abroad. She has also been active in the anti-globalization movement and the anti-death penalty movement. Silvia Federici was a founding member of the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa, which for more than ten years documented the struggle of African students against the austerity programs imposed by the IMF and the World Bank on African countries. She has taught in the US and in Nigeria and is Emerita Professor of Political Philosophy and International Studies at Hofstra University (Hempstead, New York). Federici is the author of many book and essays on political philosophy, feminist theory, political philosophy, cultural studies, and education.

Published 2004.

Beyond The Periphery Of The Skin
Silvia Federici
PM Press - 16.00€ -  out of stock

Feminist, antiracist, trans, ecological movements: all look at the body as a ground of confrontation with the state and a vehicle for transformative social practices. Concurrently, the body has become a signifier for the reproduction crisis generated by the neoliberal turn in capitalist development and for the international surge in institutional repression and public violence. In Beyond the Periphery of the Skin, lifelong activist and bestselling author Silvia Federici examines these complex processes, placing them in the context of the history of the capitalist transformation of the body into a work-machine, expanding on one of the main subjects of her first book, Caliban and the Witch. In this process she confronts some of the most important questions for contemporary radical political projects.

Re-Enchanting the World
Silvia Federici
PM Press - 20.00€ -  out of stock

In this edited collection of work spanning more than 20 years, Silvia Federici provides a detailed history and critique of the politics of the commons from a feminist perspective. In her clear and combative voice, Federici provides readers with an analysis of some of the key issues in contemporary thinking on this subject. Drawing on rich historical research, she maps the connections between the previous forms of enclosure that occurred with the birth of capitalism and the destruction of the commons and the "new enclosures" at the heart of the present phase of global capitalist accumulation.

Considering the commons from a feminist perspective, this collection argues that women and reproductive work are crucial to both our economic survival and the construction of a world free from the capitalist hierarchies. Federici is clear that the commons should not be understood as happy islands in a sea of exploitative relations--but rather autonomous spaces from which to challenge the existing organization of life and labor.

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