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Cover of Vaders van de Brusselse Halsbandparkiet


Vaders van de Brusselse Halsbandparkiet

Joren Peeters , Antonino Triolo


Remember that first time you were startled by a shrill screech, looked up and saw to your amazement a green parakeet perched on a branch in the middle of Brussels? There are some juicy and perhaps even instructive urban legends being told about the origins of the Brussels ring-necked parakeet.

Joren Peeters has collected and dramatized three of these urban legends, Antonino Triolo has illustrated them, and graphic designer Lise Leën has put them together in a kind of bird-watching book revealing the mythical origins of the Brussels ring-necked parakeet: De Vaders van de Brusselse Halsbandparkiet.

In these illustrated stories, the ring-necked parakeet appears to be a symbol of male hubris: the bird is born from the typically male, naive, unworldly and arrogant desire to impose a vision of Good on the world. The three fathers turn out to be three parodies of the hero, three tragic do-gooders.


Weet je nog die eerste keer dat je opschrok door een schril gekrijs, opkeek en tot je verbazing een groene parkiet op een tak zag zitten – in het midden van Brussel? Er doen over de oorsprong van de Brusselse halsbandparkiet enkele sappige en misschien zelfs leerrijke urban legends de ronde.

Joren Peeters heeft er drie verzameld, uitvergroot en uitgeschreven, Antonino Triolo heeft ze geïllustreerd en Lise Leën heeft ze samengezet in een soort vogelspotboekje: “De Vaders van de Brusselse Halsbandparkiet”.

In deze geïllustreerde verhalen blijkt de halsbandparkiet een symbool voor mannelijke hoogmoed: ze zijn geboren uit het typisch mannelijke, wereldvreemde en arrogante verlangen om uw visie op het goede aan de wereld op te leggen. De drie vaders blijken drie parodieën op de held, drie fatale wereldverbeteraars.


Cover of Economy as Intimacy (vol.2)


Economy as Intimacy (vol.2)

Eric Peter

Poetry €8.00
I I C / The Contract / Ellipsis / Delbaram / Booos / U OK?
Cover of rosa rosa rosae rosae


rosa rosa rosae rosae

Pauline Hatzigeorgiou

Produced in conjunction with the exhibition that took place at Maison Pelgrims (10/9-23/10/2021), the book presents original interventions by the artists of the rosa rosae rosae project : Alicia Jeannin, Alicja Melzacka, Angela Detanico & Rafael Lain, Annaïk Lou Pitteloud, Audrey Cottin, buren, Charlie Usher, Eleanor Ivory Weber, Eva Giolo, Henry Andersen, Jan Vercruysse, Maíra Dietrich, Marc Buchy, Maxime Jean-Baptiste, Niels Poiz, Oriol Vilanova, Sabir (Lucie Guien, Amélie Derlon Cordina, Sophie Sénécaut / Perrine Estienne,  Kevin Senant, Maud Marique, Pauline Allié, Carole Louis), Slow Reading Club, Sofia Caesar, Surya Ibrahim, Yiannis Papadopoulos, Yoann Van Parys

Edited by Pauline Hatzigeorgiou / SB34
Graphic design by Tipode Office
The book was produced with the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (aide à l'édition) and Région Bruxelles-Capitale (Image de Bruxelles)

Cover of Child's Replay


Child's Replay

Adrian Bridget

Child’s Replay is a hallucinatory homecoming. As we follow THE CHILD in a series of private re-enactments, the present self is revealed as the past’s fragile construction. Pursuing the banality of trauma, a first-person character juxtaposes childhood events with internal misrepresentations, reflections on the emotional toll of migration, psychoanalytic theory, Brazilian history, and literary criticism. An exploration of the impact that language and fiction have on real bodies, Child’s Replay assembles a hybrid portrait of memory and anti-memory. 

This publication is limited to 100 copies, which are signed and numbered by the author. 

Cover of Ductus



Paul Abbot

Performance €10.00

DUCTUS is the latest solo project by Paul Abbott, featuring 51 minutes of audio, across 12 tracks, and a 42 page booklet featuring new writing. DUCTUS was written and recorded in Edinburgh and Porto in 2019. 

DUCTUS presents a playful weave of collapsing time through a number of speculative elements and fictional characters. Abbott feels his way through learning drums, rhythm and writing as fleshy research technologies. DUCTUS is the latest stage in a process considering sound, the body, imagination, and language through music. This features as part of ongoing investigations using real and imaginary drums, synthetic sounds, performance and writing.

Cover of Going to Love You


Going to Love You

Mark Gonzales

This new body of work consists of paintings featuring heart-headed figures in various emotional states and situations that sometimes teeter between the ordinary and extraordinary. From tender amorous moments to unexpected skate scenes, the work is full of the next iteration of emotive "schmoo" characters.

Mark Gonzales ("The Gonz") is an American artist and professional skateboarder best known for his profound contribution to the development of street skateboarding from the mid-1980s onward. Gonzales' creative outlook is evident in his ability to perform inventive new tricks using the existing framework of urban architecture like handrails, stairs, and ledges. His artwork grew out of the same environment as his skateboarding and includes illustrating zines, which often have surreal and humorous characters, as well as producing and collaborating on projects with Harmony Korine and Spike Jonze. Born on June 1, 1968 in South Gate, CA, he began skateboarding by the age of 13 and formed the company Blind Skateboards in 1989. While pursuing his sporting career, the artist began drawing in his free time and created graphics for Krooked Skateboards. Since then, he has collaborated with the clothing brand Supreme and Adidas to name just a few. He lives and works in New York.

Cover of Lagoon

First Drafts


Samantha McCulloch

Fiction €18.00

Part prose poem, part reflection on the relations between writing and place, Lagoon tells the story of the slow undoing of an idyll. In it the narrator walks for hours during long summer nights, gazing through the windows that line the streets. In between, she reflects on how she might write about the shifting space of the lagoon, where she spent summer holidays with her family years ago. In adolescence, the narrator watches quietly as her mother, father and sister go about building their holiday home. But she can sense something is awry, she just does not fully understand what.

Lagoon is the first novella by McCulloch.

Lagoon by Samantha McCulloch is the first title in Kunstverein Amsterdam's new imprint called First Drafts, which, inspired by artist and publisher Anne Turyn, celebrates experimental and commercially unviable work by publishing completed manuscripts that haven’t yet found a home in their first draft form. Importantly, each title is also the first attempt by the author to write in that particular form, or, to write at all.

Cover of UH HUH HER

Moist Books


Rachel Cattle

Fiction €16.00

An unnamed, female narrator travels through school, then art school, then art school teaching jobs, finding or fashioning “the selves of herself” via encounters with PJ Harvey, the ghosts of Ann Quin, Susan Sontag, and a mansplaining Analyst that she first encounters in her grandparents’ garden. Both a love letter to creative life, and a requiem for all that is lost in its pursuit, UH HUH HER asks is it possible to record—and retain—our experiences of being on the outside? Or can such stories only exist within the institutions that both literally and metaphorically shape them?

Cover of Fort Beau

Kunstencentrum KAAP

Fort Beau

Pieter Van Bogaert

Fiction €15.00

Fort Beau – verhalen van beginnen en eindes, een nieuw boek van kunstcriticus en curator Pieter Van Bogaert ontstaan aan zee, is het eerste in de Bibliotheek van de Noordzee: een nieuwe reeks van Kunstencentrum KAAP over kunst en samenleving.

Fort Beau heeft twee beginnen en eindes: één van elk op de linkerpagina’s en nog eens hetzelfde maar anders – als een vage kopie – rechts. Van de kunst van het lopen gaat het naar lopen als kunst. Van het strand in Oostende gaat het naar het Kaaitheater in Brussel. Van de huiskamer naar de wereld. Van de Palestijnen naar de sans-papiers. Twee boeken naast elkaar die zich in een gedurfde vormgeving van Maaike Beuten ontwikkelen en besmetten tot één verhaal.