Passages Through Genocide
Cutt Press - 5.00€ -  out of stock

"We collect, translate and publish texts from Palestinian writers confronting the genocide in Gaza, to lift up their words. We urge you to share, print, publish and distribute these texts by all possible means, in support of Palestinian struggle for liberation. All volunteers in this project remain anonymous as a sign of respect and humility towards our people in Gaza. Any financial income generated from these texts is the property of the people in Gaza and must be directed back to them in full." - @gazapassages

Texts by:
Hiba Abu Nada
Hind Joudeh
Mahmoud Jouda
Noor Aldeen Hajjaj
Nour Al Swirki
Ahmed Mourtaja
Al Miqdad Jamil Miqdad
Beesan Nateel
Esam Hani Hajjaj
Ebraheem Matar
Husam Maarouf

All rights reserved to the people of Palestine

Printed by CUTT PRESS at Hopscotch Reading Room


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