Lesbian Resistance
Sinister Wisdom
Sinister Wisdom - 7.00€ -  out of stock

Sinister Wisdom 48: Lesbian Resistance's writers envision taking power in many ways: some advocate armed struggle, others believe in challenging systems from within, some speak for coalition politics, some for separatism, still others imagine resistance as changing the processes between us. This issue admires and encourages this fantastic lesbian resilience.

Creative Work By

Kathleen O'Donnell
Janice Gutman
Naomi Guilbert
Amber L. Katherine
Sauda Burch
Lisa kenney
Susan Rosenberg
Laura Whitehorn
Jo Ann Starr
Sheila Gilhooly and barbara findlay
L.A. Dyer
Lenore Baeli Wang
Jasmine Marah

And More!


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