Jonas J. Magnusson; Cecilia Grönberg; Tobi Maier (eds.)
“We were not claiming European influences, as concrete poetry did. Europe would not accept a visual culture born in Brazil, so this claiming was necessary for concrete poetry, but not for poema/processo as it had pan-Latin-American connections” (Wlademir Dias-Pino)
Already a classic, this issue of OEI presents the Brazilian avant-garde movement Poema/Processo through a huge selection of images, poems, and short essays, showing the different strategies this movement used between 1967 an 1972 in order to survive and develop under the pressure of the militarian regime. Are also featured three other less-known Brazilian movements from the 60s, 70s and early 80s: poesia práxis, poesia marginal, pornismo.
With Wlademir Dias-Pino, Wlademir Dias-Pino, Moacy Cirne, Álvaro de Sá, Fernanda Nogueira, Priscilla Guimarães Martins, João Felício dos Santos, Rogerio Camara, Neide de Sá, Eduardo Kac, Antonio Sergio Bessa, Décio Pignatari, Luis Ângelo Pinto, Décio Pignatari, Dailor Varela, Falves Silva, Jota Medeiros, Cristina Freire, Dácio Galvão, Clemente Padín, Almandrade, Mário Chamie, Sergio Cohn, Omar Khouri, Régis Bonvicino, Regina Silveira, Hudinilson Jr.