For The Ride
Alice Notley
Penguin Books - 20.00€ -  out of stock

A book-length visionary poem from a writer whose poems are among the major astonishments of contemporary poetry.

Alice Notley has become one of the most highly regarded figures in American poetry, a master of the visionary mode acclaimed for genre-bending, book-length poems of great ambition and adventurousness. Her newest book, For the Ride, is another such work.

The protagonist, One, is suddenly within the glyph, whose walls project scenes One can enter, and One does so. Other beings begin to materialize, and it seems like they (and One) are all survivors of a global disaster. They board a ship to flee to another dimension; they decide what they must save on this Ark are words, and they gather together as many as are deemed fit to save. They sail and meanwhile begin to change the language they are speaking, before disembarking at an abandoned future city.


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