Ce que Sylvère Lotringer n'écrivait pas
Sylvère Lotringer, François Aubart, François Piron
Paraguay Press - 15.00€ -  out of stock

A book of interviews with Sylvère Lotringer.

French philosopher Sylvère Lotringer (1938-2021) was the general editor of Semiotext(e). A younger contemporary of Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Jean Baudrillard, Paul Virilio and Michel Foucault, he was one of the main introducers and interpreters of French Theory in the United States. He is the author of Overexposed: Perverting Perversions (Semiotext(e), 2007).

François Aubart is an art critic, independent curator and publisher (co-founder of <o> future <o> and Même pas l'hiver).


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