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Cover of Another Version: Thinking through Performing


Another Version: Thinking through Performing

Philippine Hoegen


ANOTHER VERSION: Thinking Through Performing approaches performance as a method of producing different versions of the self, referred to as ‘versioning’. It explores technologies and processes that produce such versions, and asks the question of how to understand the self within this multiplicity. ANOTHER VERSION: Thinking Through Performing proposes strategies of versioning as a means of attaching gesture, speech or lived experience to research questions or problems. 

It is comprised of 7 cahiers containing games, scores, short stories, images, quotes and reflections that are often products of collaborative practices. Each cahier opens up a particular territory or lens, indicated through its title: CAHIER I Multiplicators, CAHIER II Pandiculators, CAHIER III Arena, CAHIER IV Objectaffilia, CAHIER V Animalities and CAHIER VI Ledger. 

The content of each cahier is structured into eight categories: conversation, image as score, notes, quote, reference text, report, score and short story. These can be used as the reader/user sees fit, a story, an image or a quote can be used as a score, a score can be reversed or a reflection can be cut up and transformed into a new text. 

Cahier 0 reflects and expands on the content of the publication and the research from which it springs. It contains a conversation Multiplicity, Multiplicators and the Supermarket Scorebetween Philippine Hoegen and Sebastian Olma, and an essay Ecstatic Methods — Seven Vectors Addressed to Philippine Hoegen by Kristien Van den Brande.


Cover of ’Est Pas Une


’Est Pas Une

Philip Poppek

By way of archiving, digital translation and reproduction, Philip Poppek extracts from Magritte’s word paintings twenty-six letters; segmental symbols of a textual system form an alphabet of a, with a familiar apple punctuating a provisional end to the sequence. A poetic correspondence with the letter a speculates on the prehistory of this alphabet, as though searching for some indication as to how we may have come to where we are now, in this ‘post-factual moment’.

Maybe at some point we fell into the foxes’ den, only to re-surface in a landscape of ruins. This book poses a number of necessary questions, perhaps beginning with: ‘Which feminine noun trails after the title script ‘est pas une?

Pomme? Pipe? Histoire? Communauté?

Cover of Notes On Just Back From Los Angeles: A Portrait Of Yvonne Rainer

Book Works

Notes On Just Back From Los Angeles: A Portrait Of Yvonne Rainer

Adam Pendleton

Performance €10.00

Adam Pendleton’s Notes on Just Back From Los Angeles: A Portrait of Yvonne Rainer stems from the transcript of the script prepared by Pendleton for Yvonne Rainer to read during their day spent filming at the Ridgeway Diner in Chelsea. The text mixes citations from Stokely Carmichael, Malcom X, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and excerpts from Rainer’s own published works; the film ends with the gospel song ‘I Am Saved’ by the Silver Harpes over the footage of Rainer’s now canonical Trio A, 1978. Pendleton's chapbook plays on the duality of meaning in the word ‘movement’, exploring the synchrony of art and politics, and shared potentials of language and the non-verbal.

Cover of Practical Performance Magic


Practical Performance Magic

Maija Hirvanen

Performance €18.00

What if, when a performance is described as “nothing short of magical,” it is not just a metaphor? Maija Hirvanen and Eva Neklyaeva wrote a book together exploring the techniques involved in creating and curating contemporary performances through practical magic.

Like feminist magic, performance magic is not inherited or exclusive, but learned and inclusive. Anyone can practice it.

This is a book of recipes and spills, based on lived experience, observations and bewilderments of both writers.

Concept and writing by Maija Hirvanen and Eva Neklyaeva Design: POMO Publisher: Friends of Physical Contemporary Art, in the frame of Performing Portals project Editing: Leah Whitman-Salkin Funded by Art Promotion Centre Finland

Cover of The Art of Performance

Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen

The Art of Performance

Katleen Van Langendonck

Performance €27.00

What happens when artists play with the codes of the visual and performing arts? Which negotiations take place when you leave your own medium to explore another? As it turns out, those who are considered innovative on the one hand, are often labeled amateur on the other. In twenty-five conversations with leading artists, curators, dramaturgs and production workers Katleen van Langedonck explores which choices are made when creating a contemporary performance, taking into account all layers of the creative process. In doing so, she draws on her practical experience as a coordinator and curator of Performatik, the Brussels biennial of contemporary performance.

Conversations with: Alexis Blake - Ariane Loze - Boris Charmatz - Charles Aubin- Daniel Blanga-Gubbay- Eva Wittocx - Germaine Kruip - Grace Schwindt - Helena Kritis - Ilse Van Essche - Jenny Schlenzka - Jimmy Robert - Joanna Zielinska - Kristof Van Baarle - Laure Prouvost - Lore Boon - Louise O’Kelly - Luc Schaltin - Maria Hassabi - Martina Hochmuth - Orla Barry - Sara Jansen - Steven Vandervelden - Ula Sickle - Ulla Von Brandenburg

Cover of A Paralingual Score

Vibrational Semantics

A Paralingual Score

Clara Mosconi

A loose leaf visual score based on Clara’s Paralingual Index, a notation device that denotes extra-lingual utterances such as breaths, sighs, pauses and mutters. Mosconi uses this transcription method to record conversations around bilinguality and translation. Here, she has transcribed a conversation with Sara, which can be recited, read, or displayed by the reader. With an accompanying essay from Mosconi.

Cover of Inserts in Real Time: Performance Work 2000–2023

K. Verlag

Inserts in Real Time: Performance Work 2000–2023

Dora Garcia

Performance €35.00

'Inserts in Real Time' is the first monograph on the performance work developed by artist Dora García over the past twenty years. The book contains a conversation between the artist and curator Joanna Zielińska; a selection of her performance scripts; her performances to date, listed, illustrated, described, and contextualized; and three newly commissioned texts – by art historian Sven Lütticken, performance theorist Bojana Cvejić, and Dora García. The publication is co-published with M HKA, Antwerp, and accompanies Dora García’s exhibition 'She Has Many Names'.