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Cover of Plant Magic - Poison∼Remedy

Hooops Magazine

Plant Magic - Poison∼Remedy

Elisa Pieper ed. , Astarte Posch ed.


Plant Magic gathers writers, artists, poets, illustrators, plant-and-mushroom-lovers and ecological thinkers, to share their experiences, knowledges, and stories around plant and mushroom magic. Oscillating between poison and remedy, plants and mushrooms reconcile ambivalences. They are powerful agents that are unpredictable in their existence and effects. They hold potential for resistance, intelligence and knowledge beyond human understanding.

When we look at plants and mushrooms we see hope amongst ecological grief. Every day we witness this magic of growing organisms, transformation and resilience. We are looking to them for guidance while still learning to listen to their silent, sensual ways. Often, the act of listening itself can calm our buzzing minds and raging hearts and make meaning blossom in a wordless way. In this publication, you might encounter stories of creating relationships with plants and mushrooms, fungal intimacy, poetic love letters to plants, herbal spells, stories of becoming postcolonial mushrooms, tips for combating the disturbing presence of scorpions, an essay introducing you to psychedelic becoming and many visual contributions of more-than-human relations.

[Publishers' note]

Contributors: Aimilia Efthimiou, Anais-karenin, Anı Ekin Özdemir, Avant Garden, Bastian Carstensen, Carla Di Girolamo, Coline-Lou Ramonet Bonis, Corinne Wiss, Cory Papalardo, Ella Ponizovsky Bergelson, Freia Kuper, Freya Häberlein, Indra Leonard Frings, Ko-Fan Lin, Leonie Brandner, Lucie Feigl, Lucila Pacheco Dehne, Marta Orlando, Maya Land, Monaline Mourbat, Nicola van Straaten, Nina Berfelde, Rafa Cunha, Rahel Preisser, Sara Blosseville, Shani Leseman, Yasmine Ostendorf, Sigourney Pilz, Totholz 5d, Xrysafeniax



Daisyworld Magazine


Zazie Stevens

Periodicals €22.50

CONTRIBUTORS Anna Bierler, India Boxall, Craig P Burrows, Alex Hampshire, Kayla Adara Lee, Marijn van der Leeuw, Melanie Matthieu, Gabriella T Moreno, Amira Prescott, Harrison Pickering, Astarte Posch, Ananda Serné, Zazie Stevens, Gedvile Tamosiunaite, Mia You.

cover image Ananda Serné & Poyen Wang

DAISYWORLD MAGAZINE is a seasonal art publication on perception, the sensory, the non-human, ecology & erotica with an emphasis on interconnectedness. The artist's intimate knowledge based on observation, questioning anthropocentrism through beauty & language. Reflecting on the past season while softly moving into the next, each issue launches in-between seasons; appreciating experience, transition, and metamorphosis instead of anticipating the next big thing.

Cover of HOOT nr. 3 — Kamilé Krasauskaité


HOOT nr. 3 — Kamilé Krasauskaité

Gufo, Clément Faydit and 1 more

Last year, on a summer night in Marseille, someone, within all the hungry people I am meeting during my dinners, specifically set her attention on my projects. Later during the fall I received a call from Austė ZDANČIŪTĖ, the cultural attache at the Lithuanian embassy in France, who introduced me to Kamilè Krasauskaitè. Since that fall, we kept on exchanging and making future plans in France where she would have a residency. The more we chatted, the closest we began. Kamilè is a almost-thirty-years-old Lithuanian artist that has been including sourdough bread in her work and builds a poetic and mesmerising world around that dimension of food, fermentation, senses, environment, rituals...Through our communication I decided to share that encounter that we managed to welcome in Marseille. We kneaded some bread together, shared it in a forest of Marseillais sunflowers, walked the streets, met people, questioned and compared artists' lives in Europe. This issue might be an excerpt of all the long conversations we had, it was hot and sunny in Marseille, it was in June.

Cover of Sore 2

cover crop

Sore 2

Mathilde Heuliez, Lisa Lagova

Periodicals €15.00

Sore is a serial anthology that brings together authors whose writing practices oscillate between the genres of diary keeping and fiction. For the second issue of Sore, ten contributors – both authors and visual artists – were invited to collectively develop their work through a series of informal critiques over the course of five months.

In the first issue of Sore, observations of everyday life intertwined with memories and cultural references to denote the significance of a certain soreness we each carry within us as we negotiate the various challenges of social existence. In this second ensemble, seven new authors widen our understanding of the term ‘sore’ by underlining a need to orient one’s gaze towards what’s hidden underneath, to enter the anatomy of all these necessary contortions and u-turns one performs in order to escape the grip of expected compliance.

With contributions from: Mathilde Heuliez, Lisa Lagova, Muyeong Kim, Nour Ben Saïd, Masha Ryabova, Adrienne Chung, Richard Dmitri Hees, Oscar Le Merle, Morra Kozlitina, Tindra Eliason, Helmer Stuyt, Ilya Stasevich, Kristina Stallvik.

Published by cover crop, Mathilde Heuliez & Lisa Lagova.

Cover of BUTT Issue 35

BUTT magazine

BUTT Issue 35


Periodicals €13.00

BUTT's thick 35th issue packs in pleasures from shameless queers the world over. Between the splashy covers, catch popstar Troye Sivan stripped for a motel quickie, house-spinning icon Honey Dijon dish with Jeremy O. Harris, and the last-ever interview with literary legend Gary Indiana – R.I.P. Plus, find cum-dripped fantasies by Sadao Hasegawa, Pierre the Farmer naked, and the scoop on trans stripping in NYC. On the cover – Giorgi Kikonishvili, a gay-about-Tblisi organizing everything from parties and protests. And, of course, a lot more.

TROYE SIVAN, poppers-sniffing stadium star - By Zak Stone and Clifford Prince King

LALO SANTOS, OnlyFansero spills Revolutionary load - By Alberto Bustamante and Gustavo García-Villa

HONEY DIJON, house-spinning icon - By Jeremy O. Harris and Alasdair McLellan

SADAO HASEGAWA, cum-dripped fantasies from Japan - By Yasuyuki Shinohara and Sadao Hasegawa

GARY INDIANA, R.I.P. to a literary mastermind - By Michael Bullock and Reynaldo Rivera

GIORGI KKONISHVILI, gay-about-Tbilisi organizes parties and protests - By Anton Shebetko

STRIP, illegal trans strip nights in NYC - By Ruby Zarsky and Lia Clay ]

PIERRE THE FARMER, handsome French fairy milks cow naked - By Daniel Jack Lyons

DEAN SAMESHIMA, conservator of the stickiest corners of gay culture - By Evan Moffitt and Paul Mpagi Sepuya

CARLOS SÁEZ, mechanophilic artist from Valencia - By Andrew Pasquier and Raphaël Chatelain

UNFUCKWITHABLE, on the benefits of club sex - By Kay Gabriel and Sam Clarke

CAN HOST, Berlin allotment garden is fuck-friendly paradise - By Thyago Sainte

Cover of Girls Like Us #6 - Secrets

Girls Like Us

Girls Like Us #6 - Secrets

Jessica Geysel, Sara Kaaman and 2 more

A secret can be a private space for self-creation – or a shared site of pleasure.

We explore secrets in a plethora of forms and contexts. From layered accounts of mediaeval ecstasy to the unexplored sensory experience of smell. From camouflaged play to queer readings of astrological charts and the hidden history of house music. From a very analog point of view to the outskirts of the internet.

Cover of BRAIDS

beuys bois collective


Natalia Irena Nikoniuk, Gabriela Galeao Batres

LGBTQI+ €15.00

BRAIDS is a 130 pages-long publication that features both visual and written works of 20 young creatives. The desire of BRAIDS is to expand the idea of queerness beyond the borders of identity. The journal exists to host bodies that deny framing and dare to expose the vulnerability of their difference. The publication is thus a woven story of the contemporary globalised queer, insecure but daring, honey-glazed yet continuously aching.