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Cover of Barking Up the Wrong Tree

How To Become

Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Sophie T. Lvoff

Poetry €6.00

How To Become est une maison d'édition autogérée basée à Paris. Nous publions les textes d'auteuces engagés dans des pratiques féministes et peu diffusés par le réseau des grandes maisons d'édition françaises.

Créée en 2016, elle est composée d'artistes et écrivaires en majorité gouines, HTB publie de la litterature expérimentale née d'influences post-post- sapphiques ainsi qu'un choix de tradu d'auteuices non traduites en langue française. HTB s'articule autour d'ateliers d'écriture: How to Become a Lesbian, et d'une revue annuelle publiant les choses issues de l'atelier.

Cover of Le magasin

How To Become

Le magasin

Mélanie Blaison

LGBTQI+ €6.00

How To Become est une maison d'édition autogérée basée à Paris. Nous publions les textes d'auteuces engagés dans des pratiques féministes et peu diffusés par le réseau des grandes maisons d'édition françaises.

Créée en 2016, elle est composée d'artistes et écrivaires en majorité gouines, HTB publie de la litterature expérimentale née d'influences post-post- sapphiques ainsi qu'un choix de tradu d'auteuices non traduites en langue française. HTB s'articule autour d'ateliers d'écriture: How to Become a Lesbian, et d'une revue annuelle publiant les choses issues de l'atelier.

Cover of nnn.1 - no no no celestial journal

no more poetry

nnn.1 - no no no celestial journal


Periodicals €10.00

published commonly, no no no expounds an experimental poetic offering, both text & art.

each issue features a limited edition artwork. which can be tacked or framed or stored in a drawer.

celestial in nature, no no no takes the form required, and necessary.

Cover of Engagement Arts Zine #1


Engagement Arts Zine #1

Engagement Arts

First edition of the Engagement Arts Zine.

Published May 2019

Cover of Movement Research Performance Journal #52/53

Movement Research Performance Journal

Movement Research Performance Journal #52/53

Moriah Evans

Periodicals €10.00

Movement Research announces Issue 52/53 of its print publication, the Movement Research Performance Journal. For this issue, Sovereign Movements: Native Dance and Performance, guest editor, choreographer Rosy Simas invited writer, Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán, to work with her. Together they assembled contributors from Native and Indigenous communities to reflect upon their practices, the historical conditions out of which they operate as well as movement, performance, and choreography as a socio-political project. Just as it is important for physical institutions to acknowledge that they sit upon occupied land of Native and Indigenous people, so too must institutions of history, practice, and epistemology acknowledge their occupation of knowledge and memory.

Throughout this issue, dance and movement is posited as a powerful strategy against settler-colonial mindsets and as an effective tool against erasure of Native and Indigenous cultural traditions. These pages discuss the importance of Native sovereignty and analyze various histories of resistance to settler-colonialism. Artists in the issue propose alternative artistic models to probe the roles of art and artists in society towards a more expansive constellation that fundamentally critiques the Western reward system in culture as well as the often celebrated cult of authorship.

Cover of Vol. 1 Trans-Issue

Bebe Magazine

Vol. 1 Trans-Issue

Mert Şen, Ruud van Moorleghem

Periodicals €20.00

In its very first issue, Bebe Magazine offers a broad constellation of possibilities for queer understandings, beyond identity-based reduction. Using the prefix trans- (across, beyond, through), each of our eight co-curators chose a term and formed mini collectives to destabilise its accompanying pre-established, societally accepted, conceptions—from transversal lines to transactions.

Exutoire: Paul-Antoine Lucas, Bùi Quý Sơn, ba-bau: Đinh Thảo Linh, Kiều-Anh Nguyễn, Cao Việt Nga / Evgeniia Skvortsova, Zip Group + Borya Pospelov, Slaystans Collective / Ina Schürmann, La Bouche Cabaret, represented by Leo, 90mil radio, Queer Analog Darkroom / Bích Đào, Myrto Vogiatzi, Laia Ros, Queers on the Move / Teodora Roșu, Stol Collective: Ioana, Marco, Anio, Mara / Martina Lattuca, Vittoria Torsello, Chiron Floris / Bernadetta Budzik, Rachel Rouzaud, Tomasz Burek / Henellis Notton, Anita Kodanik, Bohdana Korohod, Greta Štiormer / Silvia Bicelli / Elizabeth Patiño / Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdous / Ákos Boros / Lucile Claudia Eerie, Babbyccino / Madonna Lenaert, Joppe De Campeneere / Mayim Frieden

Bebe Magazine is a publication born out of the Ghent-based collective Bebe Books, focusing on collaborative and experimental approaches to cultural production. It provides a space for contributors to work together in exploring fresh perspectives and questioning established norms.

With a strong emphasis on collective creation, Bebe Magazine brings together curators, artists, and thinkers to navigate complex ideas and reflect on the shifting boundaries of contemporary culture. Each issue is shaped by the diverse voices and shared efforts of its contributors, making it a dynamic and evolving platform.

Cover of OEI #80/81 The Zero Alternative

OEI editör

OEI #80/81 The Zero Alternative

Tobi Maier, Cecilia Grönberg and 1 more

Poetry €35.00

OEI #80-81 is not an anthological publication, and has no representative ambition. It is a montage-based publication trying, in as material a way as possible, to register, prolong, transform and reflect upon energies from the work of Portuguese artist Ernesto de Sousa and his fellows (Alberto Carneiro, Túlia Saldanha, Álvaro Lapa, Fernando Calhau, Lourdes Castro, Ana Vieira, Ana Hatherly, E.M. de Melo e Castro, António Barros...).

Ernesto de Sousa and his fellows defined themselves as aesthetic operators and worked as filmmakers, photographers, curators, critics, writers, folk art researchers, multimedia artists... OEI #80-81 also gathers texts on magazines such as Poesia Experimental, Operação, Nova, A Urtiga, and Alternativa; and works by artists from younger generations such as Isabel Carvalho, Paulo Mendes and Mariana Silva, in dialogue with that of de Sousa.