Esther Kläs
Zolo Press - 65.00€ -  out of stock

Clouds are, narratively speaking, some tricky things. They are both full and empty. They are vacant and shifting, a site of tension between the material and the immaterial, the perceptible and the invisible. Clouds is also the title of German artist Esther Kläs’ first monograph, which spans over 15 years of sculptures, drawings, and performances. As an organic rendering of a complex practice, this book mirrors both the formal impact of each artwork and the conceptual outreach of a collection of gestures, attitudes, movements, and moods happening around the works. Because Esther’s practice has no tight borders or hard edges. Each piece escapes definition and breaks loose from the patterning power of language. Still, regardless of the medium, everything Kläs does seems to have a common denominator: it is a reiteration of a way of thinking – her way of thinking – through a body in space – her body, as well as a social body.

With four commissioned contributions (Marc Navarro with Ester Partegàs, Julie Boukobza, Chloe Chignell, and Francesco Pedraglio) and six short, loose texts edited by Elena Tavecchia and Kläs herself, the book is a canvas whose patterns shift following the artist’s elaborated work. What stays hovering in the air are sparks of decisions, constant movements, recurrent repetitions, and propositions.


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