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Cover of The Second Shelf: Rare Books & Words by Women

The Second Shelf

The Second Shelf: Rare Books & Words by Women

A.N. Devers ed.


Issue Two includes: An Angela Carter Portfolio: Wolves in Fiction by Daisy Johnson, Pornography in Angela Carter by Arifa Akbar, and Angela Carter-inspired illustrations by Natalie Kay-Thatcher. Sharlene Teo on Qiu Miaojin. An interview with Dialogue Books publisher Sharmaine Lovegrove and her Ideal Bookshelf from Jane Mount. Fiona Lensvelt of Litwitchure on Pamela Colman Smith. Lucy Scholes interviews Posy Simmonds. A comic-strip profile of Veronica Santiago and Word-Up Bookshop by Ellen Lindner. Fiction by Sylvia Townsend Warner. Khaliah Williams of three generations of her family reading Jane Austen. And more! Cover photography is "A Study of the 'Katia Reading'" from the series "After Balthus - a Photographic Portrayal of the Paintings of Balthus" by Hisaji Hara.

23 × 17 cm, Softcover, 2019


Cover of Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, Series VI

CUNY Centre for Humanities

Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, Series VI


Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative publishes unexpected, genre-bending works by important 20th century writers. Unearthed from personal and institutional archives in the United States and abroad, these materials are edited by doctoral students at the Graduate Center, CUNY.

LOST & FOUND SERIES VI presents work by Gregory Corso, Judy Grahn, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, and Ted Joans. While the styles and experiences of these writers are radically different, each project presented here enacts a commitment to the exploration of knowledge unbound by disciplinary constraints.

Gregory Corso: Naropa Lectures 1981, introduced by Anne Waldman, includes two transcribed and annotated lectures that illustrate Corso's vast storehouse of cultural knowledge, animating his poetics both on the page and in the classroom.

Bobbie Louise Hawkins: The Sounding Word presents two very different lectures from the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, and a new interview with the author. Whether looking at iconic French novelist Colette or examining the poetics of prose, The Sounding Word describes an unflinching empirical approach to knowledge and its transmission through direct experience.

Judy Grahn: Selections from Blood, Bread, and Roses explores mythic, societal, and personal relationships to menstruation throughout time, and is accompanied by a recent interview with the legendary poet, teacher, scholar, and activist.

Ted Joans: Poet Painter / Former Villager Now / World Traveller, introduced by Diane di Prima, presents an array of previously unpublished texts on jazz, surrealism, travel guides to Africa and Paris, his inimitable Negative Cowboy, and photographs from his life and times. As writers, each considers and refigures the malleable conditions of historical truth and the pursuit of knowledge as part of their creative process. And as readers, we are encouraged to do the same.

SERIES VI includes:

Gregory Corso: Naropa Lectures 1981 (Part I & II) (ed. William Camponovo, Mary Catherine Kinniburgh, Öykü Tekten)

Bobbie Louise Hawkins: The Sounding Word (ed. Iris Cushing)

Judy Grahn: Selections from Blood, Bread, and Roses (ed. Iemanjá Brown & Iris Cushing)

Ted Joans: Poet Painter / Former Villager Now / World Traveller (Part I & II) (ed. Wendy Tronrud & Ammiel Alcalay)

Cover of Pinko Magazine Issue 2

Pinko Magazine

Pinko Magazine Issue 2


Periodicals €17.00

This second print issue contains an interview with the abolitionist organizer Stevie Wilson, essays about nineties nightlife in support of queer intimacies in Santiago, Chile, Barbz against pinkwashing, a translation of the communization theorist Gilles Dauvé’s latest work on the reactionary tendencies in the sexual liberation movement in Weimar Germany, a missive by Samuel R. Delany, a ritual script by Lou Cornum, a meditation on intersex experiences as the untheorized marrow of trans liberation, and more. There are also world-building drawings by the artist Chitra Ganesh throughout.

Cover of BUTT Issue 35

BUTT magazine

BUTT Issue 35


LGBTQI+ €13.00

BUTT's thick 35th issue packs in pleasures from shameless queers the world over. Between the splashy covers, catch popstar Troye Sivan stripped for a motel quickie, house-spinning icon Honey Dijon dish with Jeremy O. Harris, and the last-ever interview with literary legend Gary Indiana – R.I.P. Plus, find cum-dripped fantasies by Sadao Hasegawa, Pierre the Farmer naked, and the scoop on trans stripping in NYC. On the cover – Giorgi Kikonishvili, a gay-about-Tblisi organizing everything from parties and protests. And, of course, a lot more.

TROYE SIVAN, poppers-sniffing stadium star - By Zak Stone and Clifford Prince King

LALO SANTOS, OnlyFansero spills Revolutionary load - By Alberto Bustamante and Gustavo García-Villa

HONEY DIJON, house-spinning icon - By Jeremy O. Harris and Alasdair McLellan

SADAO HASEGAWA, cum-dripped fantasies from Japan - By Yasuyuki Shinohara and Sadao Hasegawa

GARY INDIANA, R.I.P. to a literary mastermind - By Michael Bullock and Reynaldo Rivera

GIORGI KKONISHVILI, gay-about-Tbilisi organizes parties and protests - By Anton Shebetko

STRIP, illegal trans strip nights in NYC - By Ruby Zarsky and Lia Clay ]

PIERRE THE FARMER, handsome French fairy milks cow naked - By Daniel Jack Lyons

DEAN SAMESHIMA, conservator of the stickiest corners of gay culture - By Evan Moffitt and Paul Mpagi Sepuya

CARLOS SÁEZ, mechanophilic artist from Valencia - By Andrew Pasquier and Raphaël Chatelain

UNFUCKWITHABLE, on the benefits of club sex - By Kay Gabriel and Sam Clarke

CAN HOST, Berlin allotment garden is fuck-friendly paradise - By Thyago Sainte

Cover of Beauty Kit


Beauty Kit

Isabel Burr Raty

BEAUTY KIT – AN ECO-EROGENOUS ART PROJECT by Isabel Burr Raty with contributions by Kristin Rogghe, Elke Van Campenhout, Gosie Vervloessem, Pablo Diartinez and Tim Vets, is an experimental catalog summarizing Isabel Burr Raty’s research on conceptualizing and manufacturing eco-erogenous para-pharmaceutical products. It tells the story of the BKFF, a mobile farm where she and other females harvest their orgasmic juices to produce beauty bio-products, used for treatments in the BK Spa, critically discussed in the BK Focus Group and moving forward into becoming a village, where every-body harvests each other. The catalog comes with contributing text, “Harvesting bodies – The Farm as Paradox” by Elle/Elke Van Campenhout, and other reflections on the project.

Isabel Burr Raty is a Belgian-Chilean artist, filmmaker, and Media Art History teacher in ERG (École de Recherche Graphique), living between Brussels and Amsterdam. She is currently developing her second feature film, about the colonial impact on Easter Island, and creating live art and new media installations that queer production understandings, such as the Beauty Kit Project. Her works have been shown internationally.

Cover of How to Sleep Faster 5

Arcadia Missa

How to Sleep Faster 5


Periodicals €12.00

What are our politics of refusal? Sleep? Catatonia? Hedonism? Transgression even? #hustle? 

[Can refusal can be performed as resistance and not operate as preemptively fucked. . .]

Arcadia Missa Publications; Rózsa Farkas, Holly Childs, Leila Kozma, Tom Clark (eds)