She Gave It To Me I Gave It To Her
Clara Amaral
Kunstverein Amsterdam - 25.00€ -  out of stock

She gave it to me I got it from her—a poem that choreographs her hands and voice—her voice that reads out loud the book—becoming script—becoming performance—becoming archive — the permanence of her voice in the book—in the book—the presence and absence of their names—She gave it to me I got it from her—It's a book and a choreography, read out loud and handled by a performer, for a group of people.

Clara Amaral is an artist working with text and performance. Her artistic practice is situated in an interdisciplinary perspective, questioning what it means to be a reader, to be a writer, aiming to expand existing modes of reading and writing. Central to her practice is the investigation of innovative publishing modalities and the performative aspect of writing and language through an intersectional feminist approach.

Written and choreographed by Clara Amaral
Graphic Design Ronja Andersen and Karoline Swiezynski
Copy editor Isabelle Sully
Conceptualization and fabrication of objects Olga Micińska in dialogue with Clara Amaral
Published by Kunstverein Publishing


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