Pour des écoles d'art féministes !
Lilith Bodineau, Adèle Bornais, Nelly Catheland (eo.)
Tombolo Press - 20.00€ -

A collective manifesto for feminist art schools.

Bringing a series of intersectional feminist lectures, interviews, workshops and discussion groups back to an art school is crucial to sharing tools for emancipation and challenging the implicit criteria that structure our views and practices (identification with Western visual norms, romantic-capitalist representations of the artist-author, etc.). It is vital to give a voice to artists and those who support them in the ways in which they deal with, and even elude, relations of power.

The primary aim of this book is to share the content hosted and produced at the École Supérieure d'Art de Clermont Métropole between 2017 and 2022. It is also an opportunity to work with a group of students, artists and researchers, to think about how invitations and the production of the book can be drawn up collectively; it is a tool for collective and ideally horizontal pedagogical work within a hierarchical and hierarchizing institution. The invitations, transcription and editing of the texts were done jointly.

Edited by Lilith Bodineau, Adèle Bornais, Nelly Catheland, Charlotte Durand, Martha Fely, Lola Fontanié, Eulalie Gornes, Chloé Grard, Sophie Lapalu, Eden Lebegue, Michèle Martel, Sarah Netter, Clémentine Palluy, Mauve Perolari, Simon Pastoors, Rune Segaut, Danaé Seigneur.

Texts by Nino André & Vinciane Mandrin, Rachele Borghi, Tadeo Cervantes, Adiaratou Diarrassouba, Kaoutar Harchi, T*Félixe Kazi-Tani, Nassira Hedjerassi, Gærald Kurdian, H.Alix Sanyas, Sophie Orlando, Émilie Renard, Liv Schulman, Danaé Seigneur, Pau Simon.


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