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Cover of Les déserteuses


Les déserteuses

Johana Blanc


The first novel by Swiss artist and writer Johana Blanc: haunted by woman figures having voluntarily ended their artistic career in the early 70', and fascinated by their radicality, a young artist asks herself how to carry on with her artistic practice without betraying her idols. Over the course of one evening, during which she attends a series of openings, the story follows her attempt to find her position among a fantasized art world, caught between a paradoxical reality and thwarted ambitions.

Johana Blanc (born 1990 in Paris), a graduate of the Head in Geneva, directs several micro-publishing projects such as the magazine Escalier and Éditions Cacahuète. Her artistic practices include installation and performance art. She also writes and has published several texts, whether collaboratively or not (Wages For Wages Against, Woman Cave).


Cover of E! Entertainment

Wonder Press

E! Entertainment

Kate Durbin

Fiction €18.00

In E! Entertainment, Kate Durbin zooms into the privileged dramas of MTV's The Hills and Bravo's Real Housewives, the public tragedies of Amanda Knox and Anna Nicole Smith. Durbin traces the migratory patterns of the flightiest members of our televised demimonde, from the vacant bedrooms of the Playboy Mansion to the modern gothic set of Kim Kardashian's fairytale wedding, rendering a fabulous, fallen world in all its hyperreal strangeness.

Cover of Fort Beau

Kunstencentrum KAAP

Fort Beau

Pieter Van Bogaert

Fiction €15.00

Fort Beau – verhalen van beginnen en eindes, een nieuw boek van kunstcriticus en curator Pieter Van Bogaert ontstaan aan zee, is het eerste in de Bibliotheek van de Noordzee: een nieuwe reeks van Kunstencentrum KAAP over kunst en samenleving.

Fort Beau heeft twee beginnen en eindes: één van elk op de linkerpagina’s en nog eens hetzelfde maar anders – als een vage kopie – rechts. Van de kunst van het lopen gaat het naar lopen als kunst. Van het strand in Oostende gaat het naar het Kaaitheater in Brussel. Van de huiskamer naar de wereld. Van de Palestijnen naar de sans-papiers. Twee boeken naast elkaar die zich in een gedurfde vormgeving van Maaike Beuten ontwikkelen en besmetten tot één verhaal.

Cover of London-rose | Beauty Will Save the World

Divided Publishing

London-rose | Beauty Will Save the World

Fanny Howe

Fiction €14.00

The story of failure asks one question only: What do people who lose do next? “Let the best one win.” War is one way. The other way is religion. Let me at the stakes. It’s so much a matter of patience. No fury, beyond all reason, no sequence broken, but diverted. Nothing seems to cooperate when you lose control. Blue becomes violet. Bend your head to the blank. The solution is so simple: don’t identify yourself with your description of yourself.

"It feels we aren’t reading prose but language that oscillates between liturgy and prayer." — Eugene Lim

Cover of Revenge

Bad Books Small Press


Clem Edwards, Joe Miranda

Revenge is a new short story by Clem Edwards and collection of photos by Joe Miranda.

A mythical water ferret once native to the Dutch waterways adapts to the terrestrial realm, taking up residence in the sand dunes.

A park ranger becomes obsessed with the water ferrets’ increasingly erratic behaviour.

A half-cracked protagonist watches on – and things unravel from there.

Cover of Minor Detail

New Directions Publishing

Minor Detail

Adania Shibli

Fiction €16.00

Minor Detail begins during the summer of 1949, one year after the war that the Palestinians mourn as the Nakba—the catastrophe that led to the displacement and exile of some 700,000 people—and the Israelis celebrate as the War of Independence. Israeli soldiers murder an encampment of Bedouin in the Negev desert, and among their victims they capture a Palestinian teenager and they rape her, kill her, and bury her in the sand.

Many years later, in the near-present day, a young woman in Ramallah tries to uncover some of the details surrounding this particular rape and murder, and becomes fascinated to the point of obsession, not only because of the nature of the crime, but because it was committed exactly twenty-five years to the day before she was born. Adania Shibli masterfully overlays these two translucent narratives of exactly the same length to evoke a present forever haunted by the past.