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Cover of I'm in the bath on all fours

Well Projects

I'm in the bath on all fours

Kris Lock ed. , George Harding ed.


‘I’m in the bath on all fours, toward blue water (my nose is bleeding), I’m an ephemeral bubble of time waiting to be popped’ is an experimental archive of exhibition and performance documentation, seminar transcripts and (visual) essays from Well Projects 2019 programme of the same name.

Across three phases, IITBOAF,TBW(MNIB),IAEBOTWTBP invited pairs of artists and academics to collaborate and expand on notions of the sub-aqueous, engaging with the nature of water, embodied experiences and the deep dark in relation to community and commonality.


Flora Parrott, Lindiwe Matshikiza, Harriet Hawkins, Lucy Mercer, Amy Pettifer & Jennifer Boyd (SHELL LIKE) Madeleine Stack, Leyla Pillai, Alex Borkowski, Hannah Rowan, Rachel Squire, Rikke Berg Jensen, Korallia Stergides & Raphael Schulenburg.

I’m in the bath... programme was curated by Kris Lock & George Harding with support from Flora Parrott


Cover of Ad Học

Wendy's Subway

Ad Học

Teline Trần

Poetry €12.00

Teline Trần's Ad Học traverses the improvisational structures that shape social life in order to reflect their valences as both insufficient and abundant. In their first poetry chapbook, Trần locates those junctures with bittersweet pleasure and biting critique and asks how to sustain both at once. This is, Trần shows us, the work of living, against and within the ongoing attrition and amnesia at scales historical and governmental, interpersonal, familial, and social. Ad Học asks the reader to turn inwards, towards a personal politic, to self-revolution, in order to seek horizons dreamier, queerer, and hopefully insurgent.

Teline Trần is a writer from Orange, California or Gabrieleño/Tongva land. They write about home and interstitial faith via several mediums such as fiction, poetry, film, and ultimately, the browser. Teline works as the Membership and Community Engagement Coordinator at Wendy’s Subway, where they were a Fellow in 2020. They also work as the Development Coordinator at Mekong NYC, a Southeast Asian grassroots organization in the Bronx. They hold a degree in Comparative Literature from Reed College.

Cover of Not a Force of Nature


Not a Force of Nature

Amy De'Ath

Poetry €21.00

If capital makes life a seething, complex nightmare for most people on the planet's surface, if "words do cleave the producer from the land," then what does all this dispossession feel like? Amy De'Ath turns poetry into a hot, potent, and highly funny form of criticism, in which social force is felt intimately, and voiced in the acid niceness of a work email. Amy's poems move like pieces of machinery in a cognitive amusement park, which spit you a thousand feet into the air but keep your viewpoint fixed on the same spot as before—what's different? "Land in Saskatchewan, land in Delhi," or "everything…that you want from women and gays." Not a Force of Nature makes me want to change everything. "Behold me I'm you now," Amy writes—we should be so lucky, to be thus transformed. — Kay Gabriel

Not a Force of Nature's expertly crafted poems explore the catastrophe we live among and speak through. They form a sort of feminist manifesto addressed to all forms of resistance. But also: here are love sonnets! This book is angrily precise and always a lot of fun. "No, you're a Canadianist!" — Kevin Davies

Not a Force of Nature is the kind of book that becomes possible only after rejecting the "we" evoked so often in contemporary literary culture—sometimes said to need poetry now more than ever, sometimes called community. Amy De'Ath's motley vision of solidarity, of "actual emboldened people," is way weirder, more lively, and possible. Nor do these poems content themselves, like the ghost of Marxist theory past, with pointing towards the contradictions that surround them. Do you remember email? Sonnets? Not a Force of Nature is like that, thrashing inside generic forms and always coming next: after the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, after Jane's abortion service, after the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, after Creeley, after Raworth, after Mayer, after the Xenofeminist Manifesto, after Pluto enters Aquarius. "There are still tactics like this roaming free," De'Ath writes. There are still these fervent lyric parries. Be with Not a Force of Nature now. — Stephanie Young

Through slips of verbal acuity, Amy De'Ath scrapes her way out of determinism to a world "made by hands," where our material relations are ours to make and break. History is long and history is short. History is translucent. De'Ath presents the Ferris wheel of capitalist production, where the subject lives once as worker, twice as commodity. Here, in these "concrete trousers," is a "totally liberated" working class poem turning everything into nothing as praxis. — Anahita Jamali Rad

Cover of Hemisferio Cuir: an anthology of young Queer Latin American Poetry.

Fourteen poems

Hemisferio Cuir: an anthology of young Queer Latin American Poetry.

Leo Boix

Poetry €15.00

Edited and selected by the brilliant Leo Boix and with poems in Spanish and English from across Latin America. There’s more than 30 poets featured, covering poems about what it is to be queer in contemporary Latin America. These poems cover gender, sexuality, politics, nature, and everything in between.

Cover of exit ambition

Dostoyevsky Wannabe

exit ambition

Jake Reber

Exit Ambition is a catalogue of practices, documents, videos, and other projects - virtual & actual. The book operates as an incomplete index of a series of installations, instructions, anti-plays, performance scores, descriptions, etc.

Jake Reber lives and works in Buffalo, NY, where he co-curates

Cover of Spiritual World Tour

Tabloid Publications

Spiritual World Tour

Nat Marcus

Spiritual World Tour by Nat Marcus.