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Cover of Decolonizing Non-Violent Communication

CO-Conspirator Press

Decolonizing Non-Violent Communication



Decolonizing NVC is a workbook stocked with activities, exercises, and ideas to explore our relationship to communication, our bodies, and each other. Using a trauma-informed approach, this workbook encourages readers to deepen our emotional vocabularies so that we can work towards a more enlivened, healthy interdependence.

Written by meenadchi. Edited by Nicole Kelly. Design by MJ Balvanera. Infographics by Hana Ward. Binding by WCCW Staff & Cynthia Navarro of Tiny Splendor.

Typeset in Sofia Pro by Olivier Gourvat from Monstardesign and Agentur Regular by Good Type Foundry. 

First edition published March, 2019, edition of 200.
Second edition published in April, 2021, edition of 5000.
Third ediition published November 2023, edition of 3000.

Published by CO—Conspirator Press with the support of the Women’s Center for Creative Work. Printing by Nadinne Natalia, Lindsey Lee Eichenberger, and Cynthia Navarro at the Women’s Center for Creative Work. 


Cover of You Can Vibe Me On My Femmephone

CO-Conspirator Press

You Can Vibe Me On My Femmephone

Kamala Puligandla

Fiction €20.00

You Can Vibe Me On My FemmePhone follows three friends, in a near-future Los Angeles, who are trying to improve themselves using a phone with a feminist operating system. Join Veronica, Phoebe, and Remy on their absurd adventures to seduce artists, entrap local Proud Boys, and enter a kinky queer horse-play scene. Their FemmePhones, programmed with their personal values, guide them toward the transformative love and professional passions they seek. But what choices will they make when they disagree with their phones and what does this mean about their feminist values? Kamala Puligandla’s heartfelt, humorous novella takes you on a wild ride about queer love, self-knowledge and growth.

Size: 4.5" x 7", 108 pages, perfect bound

Self-published by Co—Conspirator Press with the support of Feminist Center for Creative Work. Copy edited by Pratishtha Kohli. Illustrations by Phoebe Unter. Designed by MJ Balvanera, Riso-printed by Neko Natalia.

Cover of A Textbook for the Ecocene

CO-Conspirator Press

A Textbook for the Ecocene

Simone Krug

Ecology €30.00

A Textbook for the Ecocene is a how-to guide for connecting to self, community and planet. The Ecocene is an emergent and imagined geologic era where all humyns are living in reciprocity with their ecosystems again. Each textbook chapter shares practical exercises to try at home, Earth-centered theory and spirituality, and interviews with Black and Indigenous Earth warriors—cultural workers generating planetary liberation in their everyday lives. These testimonios from Johanna Iraheta, Bruje Fuego, Raquel Lemus, Patty Denisse, Jasmine Nyende, Queen Hollins and Olivia Chumacero shine with wisdom and advice for new and seasoned Earth stewards alike. Created originally as Sarita Dougherty's DIY PhD Dissertation, A Textbook for the Ecocene is a curricula for eco-feminista educations, DIY degrees and planetary destinies. We are activating the Ecocene right now, one step at a time. What we pay attention to grows.

Size: 5" x 8.5", 158 pages, perfect bound

Self-published by Co—Conspirator Press with the support of Women's Center for Creative Work. Edited by Simone Krug, copy edited by Gowri Chandra and Demi Corso. Designed by MJ Balvanera, Riso-printed by Neko Natalia.

Cover of Basic Mechanics


Basic Mechanics

Isabelle Weber, Maud Gyssels and 1 more

Zines €10.00

Basic Mechanics is a hold-loose collection of words as findlings and carriers, that hold or lose meaning. Consequently, a description of this work will never simply come out of one’s mouth. The narrative will seem tied together with loose threads. As Ursula K. Le Guin writes in The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction, we know the story of the hero with the spear and the violence and the teleological progression. But isn’t the story that can be told by all, one of carrying and being carried? Isn’t language a wrapping for all those contradictory and wondrous thoughts and feelings? And can they be captured on paper, for a while, and set free again to counterbalance the killer story?

Confessing secrets and desires to each other became a method of sharing. Accompanied by giggles, we somatically connected the stories we carry, which we (dare to) place with another, which move from the inside out. This publication spills, soaks, opens and closes to confessions, poems and drawings in looping motifs. A shell swimming in a sea of words.

Cover of Just Us (hardcover)

Graywolf Press

Just Us (hardcover)

Claudia Rankine

Essays €30.00

As everyday white supremacy becomes increasingly vocalized with no clear answers at hand, how best might we approach one another? Claudia Rankine, without telling us what to do, urges us to begin the discussions that might open pathways through this divisive and stuck moment in American history.

Just Us is an invitation to discover what it takes to stay in the room together, even and especially in breaching the silence, guilt, and violence that follow direct addresses of whiteness. Rankine’s questions disrupt the false comfort of our culture’s liminal and private spaces—the airport, the theater, the dinner party, the voting booth—where neutrality and politeness live on the surface of differing commitments, beliefs, and prejudices as our public and private lives intersect.

Cover of Barking Up the Wrong Tree

How To Become

Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Sophie T. Lvoff

LGBTQI+ €6.00

How To Become est une maison d'édition autogérée basée à Paris. Nous publions les textes d'auteuces engagés dans des pratiques féministes et peu diffusés par le réseau des grandes maisons d'édition françaises.

Créée en 2016, elle est composée d'artistes et écrivaires en majorité gouines, HTB publie de la litterature expérimentale née d'influences post-post- sapphiques ainsi qu'un choix de tradu d'auteuices non traduites en langue française. HTB s'articule autour d'ateliers d'écriture: How to Become a Lesbian, et d'une revue annuelle publiant les choses issues de l'atelier.

Cover of The Anarchist Review of Books

The Anarchist Review of Books

The Anarchist Review of Books


The Anarchist Review of Books publishes intelligent, non-academic writing with an anti-authoritarian perspective. We are dedicated to transforming society through literature and through open, incisive critique of the media, politics, history, art and writing that shape our world.

Cover image: Fever by David Wojnarowicz 1988-89. Gelatin silver prints. Courtesy of the Estate of David Wojnarowicz and P·P·O·W, New York

Cover of Zones Mortes


Zones Mortes

Shulamith Firestone

First French translation of Shulamith Firestone's first novel.

Originally published by Semiotext(e) in 1998, Airless Spaces is Shulamith Firestone's first novel. She writes this short stories gradually moving away from a career as a feminist activist; while finding herself increasingly close to a state of breathlessness. The stories center around people in the grip of a seemingly endemic poverty in New York, worn out by the back and forth of psychiatric hospitals and a sclerotic daily life. On the back cover of the original edition, we read the words of the poet Eileen Myles: “In the century I'm most familiar with, the 20th, the explosion was never-ending, the pieces tinier and tinier. Shulamith Firestone, in her radical insider's tale, informs us repeatedly like lightly pelting rain that all of us are vanishing in a century of institutions that take and take until everyone has gone away and there's no one left to shut the door.”

The French edition that we offer here, in a translation by Émilie Notéris, is accompanied by a text by Chris Kraus, author and first editor of the book.

Shulamith Firestone (1945 - 2012) is a feminist writer, activist and artist. After studying painting at the Art Institute of Chicago, she moved to New York where she co-founded the feminist groups New York Radical Women (1967), Redstockings (1969) and New York Radical Feminists (1969). In 1970, when she was only 25 years old, she publieshed the book The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for a Feminist Revolution. Firestone theorizes cybernetic communism as a system that enables the liberation of women, while at the same time putting an end to biological and social inequalities linked to reproduction and the education of children, in particular through technological emancipation.

published in May 2020

French edition
12,5 x 19,5 cm (softcover)
154 pages