Sat 22 April 2023 (17:00-19:00)

[Launch] Tout ce qu'on tait on sait - We Know What Remains Unsaid

Join us for the launch of We Know What Remains Unsaid, the second volume of a new series of publications by the collective Wages For Wages Against, acting for better work conditions in the visual arts and against all forms of discrimination.

17:00 - 18:00 Presentation by Ramaya Tegegne and Tiphanie Blanc, followed by a reading by Olga Rozenblum

About We Know What Remains Unsaid
We Know What Remains Unsaid presents research on the mechanisms of invisibilisation of precarious realities and activist knowledges. It investigates what silences and the unsaid reveal. By giving a voice to several researchers, activists and collectives, the volume records silent words, forgotten stories, invisible struggles and thus makes possible the construction of alternative common narratives.

About WFWA
Wages For Wages Against (WFWA, is a a militant collective and a campaign for the fair remuneration of artists in Switzerland, better work conditions, and an alternative economy of the arts.

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