Sat 11 November 2023 (19:00-22:00)

[Launch] ROT ISSUE ONE with Sara Manente

Welcome for the launch of ROT ISSUE ONE: IMMUNITY, edited by Sara Manente (Varamo Press, 2023). 

ROT is the catalogue for a community of practices. ROT is a medicine and a ritual. The prescription for a new therapy. ROT is a manual without instructions. A map. A party. ROT touches upon sci-fi doomed scenarios. ROT works within the ruins of the future. ROT engages in weird beautification processes. ROT uses mushrooming as a research method. ROT hosts essays, stories, poetry, interviews, visuals, recipes, horoscopes and more. ROT is mouldy.

The launch will be preceded by a finissage as n0dine at 17:00. More info here.

17:00 finissage RUINED MuSa — at n0dine
19:00 launch ROT ISSUE ONE: IMMUNITY — at rile*
Step into the Limelight (performance) by Natasha Papadopolou 
20:00 cocktails by Michelle Anay Woods
dj-set by Roberta Miss

Come early~ Stay late

Find the publication here.

About Step into the Limelight
Step into the Limelight is a participatory performance and workshop by The Anastasia Method. A series of language and body language sessions drawn from traditions of Reflexology, Kundalini Yoga, Pilates, Acupressure and more. The Anastasia Method uses an allegorical anatomical lexicon to address human physiology. The myoskeletal system, vital organs and energetic vortexes are used in this version breathing, scenting and massage exercises to activate the energy upwards, through the seven main points of the Anastasia Method. The fruits help participants feel their Inspiration Point, activate their Talent Point, open their Emancipation Point, access their Liberation Point, spin their Creation Point, see through their Superior Imagination Point. And through their Radical Acceleration Point shoot up their shine, like a volcano stepping into the spotlight.

About Sara Manente
Sara Manente is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher who promotes collaborative situations in heterogeneous formats. Drawing on the imagery and matter of living cultures and mycelium brought into relation with live arts, her recent projects reflect on the possibility of contamination between pedagogy, research, performance and publication.

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