by Gevaert Editions

Image Storage Containers
Jeff Weber
Gevaert Editions - 34.00€ -  out of stock

Ostensibly as documentarian as his work on The Family of Man, Image Storage Containers (2012) does something closely related in intention to the latter and yet very different. On one level, it can be described as condensing, as Marie Muracciole has noted, two moments in the myth of photography as a “universal language”: the first involving The Family of Man as imperial project; the second, photography’s sheer technicity as a mechanical means of reproduction, with all its attendant connotations ofobjectivity and scientificity.

Atop this interfolding of meanings one can discern two additional layers: the Image Storage Container as a kind of “thought experiment,” an auto-pedagogical exercise to schematize the human nervous system, and, a more polemical read, as a proposition about the present conditions for viewing photographs within today’s networked image regime—at a moment when computer technologies, themselves predicated upon neuroscience findings on human perception and cognition, have precipitated a mass transformation of psycho-social behavior.

With contributions by Michael Baers.

Hugo Bonamin
Gevaert Editions - 58.00€ -

Hardcover, offset printing, 508 p., 31.8 x 25 cm.  Printed by Cultura, Gent
Edition of 265 copies. A deluxe edition, accompanied by an original work numbered n/508  (oil pastel on paper A3), has been produced in 35 copies signed and numbered by the artist .

the she
Sylvie Eyberg, Asger Taiaksev
Gevaert Editions - 40.00€ -

‘the she’ compares texts by Virginia Woolf with their French translation, reproducing parts of the novelles ‘The String Quartet' & ‘Blue and Green’ and the novel ‘The Years’. Of the novellas, she kept only the articles the in English and le, la, les in French, exactly as they appear in the editions. Of the novel, only the pronouns she in English and elle in French remain.

The publication includes identical two booklets, one bound and one unbound, both uncut, referring to old books which were often sold bound but uncut.

Offset printing. Printed by Cultura, Wetteren

Edition of 123 numbered copies

The Soliloquy of the Broom
Olivier Foulon
Gevaert Editions - 17.00€ -

'The Soliloquy of the Broom' is a transcript of a conversation between Olivier Foulon and Michael Krebber on their mutual interest in Gustave Courbet, taking place in Cologne on December 8, 2008. The publication follows from the work Foulon made as part of If I Can’t Dance’s Edition III – Masquerade (2008–10), which focused on the concept of masquerade in relation to painting. In a 16mm film Foulon brought together four paintings of Courbet that are each different versions of the portrait Jo, the Beautiful Irish Girl (1865–66). His film visualizes not only early forms of mass production in art, but also reflects on the concept of a model that is used as a template for a painting that itself then becomes the model for another.

The project Masquerade took place at Overgaden, Copenhagen; De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam; Sala Rekalde, Bilbao; Project Arts Centre, Dublin and Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 2008–2010. The cover of the book is a facsimile of the invitation card of the exhibition The Soliloquy of the Broom / Selbstgespräch eines Besens at the Kölnischer Kunstverein in Cologne, August 22 – September 28, 2008. La vague was written for the exhibition Par delà le B. et le M. aussi at the Musée Wellington in Waterloo, September 13 – November 30, 2008. Produced by If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, Amsterdam

Edition of 500 copies

A propos du CD-ROM Immemory de Chris Marker
Raymond Bellour and Laurent Roth
Gevaert Editions - 55.00€ -  out of stock

French/English paperback with essays by Raymond Bellour and Laurent Roth on Chris Marker's Immemory. 

'Chris Marker's CD-ROM Immemory is most easily imagined as a digitally stored attic room, divided into zones of memories. Those zones show (fragments of) photographs, engravings, paintings, films, texts, edited or annotated, which are plotted along a number of virtual trajectories that one can traverse: Le Voyage, Le Musée, La Mémoire, La Poésie, La Guerre, La Photo, Le Cinéma.

The central question, borrowed from Marcel Proust, is also the heading of the La Mémoire section: "Qu'est-ce qu'une madeleine?" What charges something with the affect of memory? Why is that one detail, that one book, poem or painting the emotional and essential among all others?' (Witte Raaf 1999)

Yves Gevaert publisher, co-published with the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

Wind & De wilgen - Wind & The Willows
Lawrence Weiner
Gevaert Editions - 30.00€ -

Wind & De Wilgen (English/Dutch) was designed by Lawrence Weiner and published on the occasion of the execution of his work Wind & The Willows in the Openluchtmuseum voor beeldhouwkunst Middelheim, Antwerp.

Lawrence Weiner was an American artist and one of the central figures in the formation of conceptual art in de 60s. His work was strongly language-based and often took form in typographic texts, also visible in this artist book. 

Edition of 1000 copies

Dan Graham
Gevaert Editions - 33.00€ -  out of stock

‘One’ is Dan Grahams version of the classic sliding game. However playing this particular game has only one possible outcome. The multiple consists of sixteen movable squares printed white on black bricks in a black plastic housing. 

Second edition of 1000 copies

7.4 x 9 x 0.7 cm

The System of Landor's Cottage. A Pendant to Poe's Last Story
Rodney Graham
Gevaert Editions - 32.00€ -  out of stock

Rodney Graham's The System of Landor's Cottage: A Pendant to Poe's Last Story is the most ambitious of the textual interventions that contributed to Graham's emergence onto the international art scene in the 1980s.

Part 'pataphysical investigation, part Roussellian exercise, the text begins with Edgar Allan Poe's short story "Landor's Cottage: A Pendant to 'The Domain of Arnheim,'" which describes a waylaid traveller's encounter with an uncannily pristine landscape and cabin in the Hudson River Valley. Into this short tale, which numbers less than twenty pages in most editions, Graham inserts an entire novel centered around an annex to Poe's original structure that houses a fantastical machine.

Through a complex set of nested tales, the origins of the machine become clearer but no less magical, and readers will be held rapt by accounts of architectural wonders, a mysterious cipher, and the romance of impossible science.

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