by Crossing

A choreographic lesson for the faint of heart and poets of the here the now the yet to come
Mor Demer
Crossing - 15.00€ -  out of stock

This publication presents research conducted by choreographer Mor Demer over two years, in the frame of the exerce MA in choreography and performance (National Choreographic Center of Montpellier / Occitanie). Against the backdrop of her artistic process, Mor Demer unfolds a reflection on the production and configuration of choreographic materials, as well as on the body and the practices and fictions of which it is composed.

Contributions by Anne Kerzerho, Christian Rizzo, Rostan Chentouf, Alix de Morant, Laurent Pichaud, Myrto Katsiki, Jocelyn Cottencin.

Mor Demer is an Israeli-born, Berlin-based choreographer and dancer. She is engaged in a holistic ecosystem of movement and performance practices with solo and collaborative works (she works with Tino Seghal, Meg Stuart / Damaged Good and Peter Player as a dancer and performer). His artistic approach cultivates and engenders states of high exposure, friction, poetics and precision. Mor crosses other forms of artistic expression alongside his dance practice such as writing, drumming, drawing, walking, running and stillness. Her global artistic research is at the crossroads of the profane and the sacred. She explores existential questions, probing endless possibilities in states of being.


A sound has no legs to stand on
Jule Flierl
Crossing - 15.00€ -  out of stock

This publication presents research conducted by Berlin-based choreographer and performer Jule Flierl over two years, in the frame of the exerce MA in choreography and performance (National Choreographic Center of Montpellier / Occitanie). This text manages to maintain a sense of orality, of vocality, within a written format. It is at once a description, an analysis, a score, a piece of music, a voice, etc.

Jule Flierl is an artist from Berlin who works with choreography and the voice. Using choreography and somatic singing methods, her scores unsettle the relationship between seeing and hearing: What you see is not always what you hear, and what you hear is not always what you see. Through her work and practices, she proposes that the voice itself is dancing.

Contributions by Anne Kerzerho, Christian Rizzo, Rostan Chentouf, Alix de Morant, Laurent Pichaud, Myrto Katsiki, Jocelyn Cottencin.

Planning prévisionnel Printemps
Clarissa Baumann
Crossing - 15.00€ -

This publication presents research conducted by visual artist and choreographer Clarissa Bauman over two years, in the frame of the exerce MA in choreography and performance (National Choreographic Center of Montpellier / Occitanie). Here, writing becomes movement, a weaving of words, gestures, images, and drawings that rub against each other in a dialogue articulated from page to page.

"The choreography of small, overlooked gestures from moments of boredom, letting loose, detours. The finger sliding along the table, the arm coinciding with the back of this wooden chair. The coincidence of a gesture with an image, and the instantaneous disparition of this image in the body, as it transforms into the sketch of another movement. Contours, strokes, perspective lines, everything sinuous, asking at what moment does the image appear, emerge, and then become undone? The impossibility, within the body, of an image being fixed, still, one. (…) At this point in the writing, I perceive text less as a desire to organise, sediment, or give form to something, whatever it might be, but rather as a desire to find the outlines of connections between materials left hanging in the room I share with them, the tight space around the table, the images pinned to the walls in front of and behind me, the markings layered, scratched, or sketched in notebooks, the pages from books insistently revisited these last months, the memories that wane, escape, or insinuate themselves between these spaces. Developing a strategy for distracted observation."

Contributions by Anne Kerzerho, Christian Rizzo, Rostan Chentouf, Alix de Morant, Laurent Pichaud, Myrto Katsiki, Jocelyn Cottencin.

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