by Abstract Supply

The Geofinancial Lexicon
Ed. Jack Clarke & Sami Hammana
Abstract Supply - 13.00€ -

The concept of a Geofinancial Lexicon emerged in 2016 as a curated subset of the then-canonical financial lexicon compiled and maintained by the Financial Times. The experiment set out to demarcate the possible relationships between the Earth, finance and the anthropocene through the complicitous vocabulary of financial advisors and traders – the Bulls, Bears, Doves and Hawks of ‘high-finance’ and economic policymaking.

This edition, rewritten and recompiled for general release, aims to open this experiment out to the wider-world and provide a generative platform for future investigations, conceptualisations, experiments, languages, actions and collaboration.

Entropia Vol. 1 & 2
Habib William Kherbek
Abstract Supply - 22.00€ -

Entropia (vol. I & II) – written by William Kherbek and edited in collaboration with Jack Clarke – is a publication which seeks to recount and re-examine a decade of artistic curation, production, and critique between London, Berlin, and other urban art centres from 2010 to 2020.

Comprised of two volumes, this publication contains a compendium of over one hundred reviews and interviews with luminaries of contemporary art (Vol I), as well as a speculative attempt to create a newly generated algorithmic art(ificial) critic (Vol II). Together they serve to document, excoriate, and theorise an art world which is simultaneously hegemonic and precarious, complicit and constructive, driven by values, yet fed by extraction, all filtered through Kherbek’s precise, aphoristic, acerbic, lens.

The publications include contextual contributions from both Josie Thaddeus-Johns, writer for the New York Times, The Financial Times, Frieze; and Rozsa Farkas, director of London-based gallery Arcadia Missa.

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