by Benedikt Bock

Benedikt Bock
Self-Published - 22.00€ -

In 1942, butcher Heinrich Angst started to set up his own business in Zurich. Today, Angst AG operates the municipal abattoir and supplies catering businesses and butchers throughout the canton. Angst is a book documenting an installation with 50 used and framed sausage wrapping papers presented at Fondation Fernet Branca in Saint Louis, France. On the other hand the book is gathering 50 systemically relevant poems surrounding writing, everyday life as a dance with obligation and panic, a society without children, fear as a fundamental quality of life and hopefulness to bury fear together. 

"Vögel / Birds"
Benedikt Bock
Edizione Multicolore - 15.00€ -  out of stock

The book (DE/EN) gathers a selection of five short stories and two poems written between 2018 – 2021 by Benedikt Bock. 

1st edition (400)
Copy editing German original: Frederike Niebuhr (linguistic services)
Translation and Proofreading: Good and Cheap Translators

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