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Cover of Passion

Copper Canyon Press


June Jordan


Originally entitled, passion: new poems, 1977-1980, this volume holds key works including "Poem About My Rights," "Poem About Police Violence," "Free Flight," and an essay by the poet, "For the Sake of the People's Poetry: Walt Whitman and the Rest of Us."

June Jordan was a fierce advocate for the safety and humanity of women and Black people, and for the freedom of all people—and Barack Obama made a line from this book famous: "We are the ones we have been waiting for." With love and humor, via lyrics and rants, she calls for nothing less than radical compassion. This edition includes a foreword by Nicole Sealey.


Cover of The Essential June Jordan

Copper Canyon Press

The Essential June Jordan

June Jordan

Poetry €18.00

The Essential June Jordan honors the enduring legacy of a poet fiercely dedicated to building a better world. In this definitive volume, featuring an afterword by Pulitzer Prize-winner Jericho Brown, June Jordan’s generous body of poetry is distilled and curated to represent the very best of her works.

Written over the span of several decades―from Some Changes in 1971 to Last Poems in 2001­―Jordan’s poems are at once of their era and tragically current, with subject matter including racist police brutality, violence against women, and the opportunity for global solidarity amongst people who are marginalized or outside of the norm. In these poems of great immediacy and radical kindness, humor and embodied candor, readers will (re)discover a voice that has inspired generations of contemporary poets to write their truths. June Jordan is a powerful voice of the time-honored movement for justice, a poet for the ages.

Cover of Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, Series VII

CUNY Centre for Humanities

Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, Series VII

Audre Lorde, Toni Cade Bambara and 3 more

Essays €35.00

Building on previous projects centered on the pedagogy of poets, and friendship through correspondence, LOST & FOUND SERIES VII breaks new ground to present unpublished and presently unavailable materials by novelist, filmmaker, and activist Toni Cade Bambara; iconic poet-activist-teachers Audre Lorde and June Jordan; scholar, activist, and poet Dr. Jack D. Forbes, and letters between North American poet and translator Paul Blackburn and Argentinian in exile novelist, poet, and translator Julio Cortázar.

While Cortázar and Blackburn forged their own institution of sorts, through a friendship that would help ignite the Latin American boom, Forbes, Bambara, Jordan, and Lorde worked in and out of institutions to help transform the landscape of our educational and historical horizons and expectations. For some years Bambara, Jordan, and Lorde all taught together in the City University of New York, the largest urban system in the United States, collaborating with activist students and other faculty to create new curriculum in Black Studies, Ethnic Studies, and Women's Studies. At the same time, Blackburn also taught part-time at City University, while bringing the vision of another world into American English, through his translations of Cortázar, a champion of the Cuban revolution and a writer of unparalleled influence in Latin America. On the other side of the country, Dr. Jack Forbes's vision of hemispheric Indigenous life was brought to bear on his involvement in the creation of D-Q University, the first Indigenous university in California, as well as the creation of Native American Studies at UC Davis, a program that would be emulated at other universities in North America. At the same time, his extraordinary and almost unknown poetry, featured here along with notable materials on his educational activism, presents a vision of Los Angeles cutting across race, class, and ethnicity that the work of all the writers in this Series help us realize.

SERIES VII Includes:

Audre Lorde
"I teach myself in outline," Notes, Journals, Syllabi, & an Excerpt from Deotha 

Toni Cade Bambara
"Realizing the Dream of a Black University," & Other Writings (Parts I & II)

June Jordan
"Life Studies," 1966-1976 

Jack Forbes
"Yanga Ya," Selected Poems & The Goals of Education 

Paul Blackburn & Julio Cortázar
"Querido Pablito"/"Julissimo Querido," Selected Correspondence, 1958-1971 (Parts I & II) 

Cover of Hechtmappen bieden geen soelaas


Hechtmappen bieden geen soelaas

Tato Greve

Poetry €18.00

Hechtmappen bieden geen soelaas is wat overbleef na een vakantiejob waarbij de taakinhoud vooral bestond uit het verwijderen van nietjes uit verouderde documenten. Deze weken waren de bron voor fascinaties voor ongemakkelijke stiltes, gesprekken in liften, de diefstal van fluorescerende pennen en een ontplofte ventilator. 

Cover of 18 Brum’Hair

Rotolux Press

18 Brum’Hair

Martin Desinde, Phœbe Hadjimarkos-Clarke

Poetry €20.00

18 Brum’Hair est un recueil de poèmes écrits à quatre mains par Martin Desinde et Phœbe Hadjimarkos-Clarke au rythme du calendrier révolutionnaire. Si son titre fait référence—non sans un humour capillotracté—au coup d’État de Louis Bonaparte et au livre de Karl Marx traitant du dit-sujet, les auteur·ice·s écrivent ici en ping-pong sur notre temps présent et divaguent autour de sujets divers tels que l’état du monde, la vie urbaine, les drogues et l’alcool, la séduction, la sexualité, l’amour, le chagrin, l’amitié, la révolution... Ces 18 poèmes sont accompagnés de 12 allégories dessinées par Flore Chemin.
Un 18 brumaire littéraire, sans doute plus proche de la farce que de la tragédie.

Martin Desinde est auteur, éditeur et graphiste installé à Paris. Son travail fait dialoguer poésie et idéologie au travers de multiples formes: textes, objets éditoriaux, ready-mades, performances... Il fonde en 2017 la maison d'édition Dépense Défensive avec l’artiste Louis Somveille.

Phœbe Hadjimarkos-Clarke écrit des romans et des poésiesoù elle explore la vie organique et sentimentale au temps du capitalisme tardif. Elle vit dans de grandes villes et de petits villages.

Flore Chemin vit et travaille entre Paris et la Corrèze, sa pratique s’articule autour de la peinture, l’édition et l’installation. Elle y cultive une esthétique de l’à peu près qui répond à divers principes: faire d’abord / comprendre après, rester floue.s pour résister sous cape, inviter le monstre et les mauvaises herbes au cœur du jardin.

Cover of Harmless Medicine

Manic D Press

Harmless Medicine

Justin Chin

Poetry €16.00

Fiercely devoted to the margins of life in the generation after the devastating first wave of the AIDS epidemic, this cathartic collection of poems explores illness, travel, contagion, the meaning of home, identity, tainted purity, and the bits of life that contain them and hold them together in spite of the harsh exigency of daily life. In more than 40 pieces, Chin fearlessly delivers everything from his first exposure to science (Magnified) to a mail order fantasy experience (I Buy Sea Monkeys); from backroads travel in Asia (Little Everest in Your Palm) to the plight of immigrants in America (The Men's Restroom at the INS Building). Chin's brutal honesty and sharp humor frame a profound and original collection.

Justin Chin is the author of two collections of poetry, Harmless Medicine and Bite Hard (Manic D Press), and two collections of essays, Burden of Ashes (Alyson Press) and Mongrel: Essays, Diatribes and Pranks (St. Martin's Press). In the 1990's, as a performance artist, he created several performance works that were presented nationally and abroad.

Cover of Runes and Chords

Simon & Schuster

Runes and Chords

Alice Notley

Poetry €25.00

Ephemeral and anarchic, Runes and Chords is the first collection of artwork by famed poet, critic and artist Alice Notley. These sketches, drawn on an iPad and first serialized on Notley’s Twitter feed, are a fascinating window into an evolving practice, collages of flowers and poetry, the white space of digital creation and overlaid colors erupting from the page.

They defy containment and category, much like their creator—each a second in a day, an afternoon or evening in Paris, a thought so transient it can only exist in the medium of social media. With this collection, one of America’s most influential living poets and artists continues to prove her worthiness of that title.