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Cover of nmp.07 - drone

no more poetry

nmp.07 - drone

felix garner-davis


no more poetry presents drone, the debut collection from poet felix garner-davis. the book is simple, in that it directs us where to look. high up in the apartment of words the poet offers the audience a window, from which the abundance, beauty, pain and peculiarity of the world can be observed. the poet boldly enacts the role of surveyor, of witness and of voyeur, and asks that we follow suit.  

the poems offer new perspectives for which to frame the mechanical and the natural, the quiet and the dizzying. with precision and generosity garner-davis offers an inquisitive consideration of people and their many strange performances within time. the poet asks the audience to join him as the grounded witness; to pause and breath, and in turn celebrate one’s hereness. the poem sings of our aliveness! garner-davis places the reader firmly by his feet, neck tilted against the glass pane of the building or the taxi-cab or the train or the motorcar. thrust into the streets that carry the great disconnect of living; of lives separated and alien, and yet so proximal to our own. this is a book of city poems, guided by the poet, whom we may also call the drone. this is a book that collects many small songs of the everyday and asks us to sing them. drone is a celebration of moments and their endurance

felix is a writer, spoken-word artist & architecture student. he lives in naarm & co-edits the literary journal malevolent soap.

2021, english — metallic paperback
164 pages — 108 x 178 mm
first edition, edition of 200 (numbered)


Cover of Flower Engine

no more poetry

Flower Engine

Natalie Briggs

Poetry €25.00

the second poetry collection from Natalie Briggs titled ‘FLOWER ENGINE’. This collection of cinched, bright free-verse explores the passing locations of love and the slow, private operations of pain’s knocking counterweight. The book extends Briggs’ relay of concise universal suggestions, translating them through brief, intimate utility. 

Cover of nnn2. - no no no celestial journal

no more poetry

nnn2. - no no no celestial journal


Poetry €10.00

published commonly, no no no expounds an experimental poetic offering, both text & art.

each issue features a limited edition artwork. which can be tacked or framed or stored in a drawer.

celestial in nature, no no no takes the form required, and necessary.

Cover of nnn.1 - no no no celestial journal

no more poetry

nnn.1 - no no no celestial journal


Periodicals €10.00

published commonly, no no no expounds an experimental poetic offering, both text & art.

each issue features a limited edition artwork. which can be tacked or framed or stored in a drawer.

celestial in nature, no no no takes the form required, and necessary.

Cover of Hot Wings and Tenders

éditions Burn~Août

Hot Wings and Tenders

Marl Brun

Poetry €9.00

Hot wings and tenders est un recueil de poèmes bilingue anglais/français qui décline l'exploration d'une jeune femme queer de son corps, sa sexualité, et ses modalités d'existence matérielles. Alternativement tendres, crus, drôles et vifs, les poèmes de Marl Brun utilisent des protocoles d'écriture en apparence mathématiques pour tenter de capturer l'absurde logique du monde. Ils sont les énoncés analytiques d'une intimité qui demeure sensible et échappe à toute tentative de rationalisation.

Cover of nmp.16 - Certainly (certainly)

no more poetry

nmp.16 - Certainly (certainly)

Rachel Schenberg, Jordi Infeld

Poetry €16.00

This book emerged out of a collaborative writing project that began in 2020 in response to The 3:15 Experiment. The ‘experiment’ involved a group of poets who, every August, would write nightly at 3:15am from wherever they were. It began in 1993 with six poets (Bernadette Mayer, Danika Dinsmore, Jen Hofer, Kathleen Large, Lee Ann Brown, and Myshel Prasad) at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics (Naropa University, Colorado), then continued every August for 22 years, with the group growing to over 25 poets, participating from various time-zones. Four of the initial poets—Mayer, Dinsmore, Hofer, and Brown—compiled The 3:15 Experiment (Owl Press, 2001), a selection of their middle-of-the-night writings between 1993-2000.

This edition builds further on this practice.

"We started thinking about a reading and writing practice that is shared but still divisible, divisible but not subtractable. The structures created by synchronicity, repetition, and temporal constraint felt generative. We found that these structures produced the conditions for another logic to emerge, a night-time logic. This night-time logic gestured to a different kind of self perhaps, a self somewhere between a waking-I and a sleeping-I, a self emerged through habit. After all, logic is just a habit.

This nightly rhythm has now become a yearly ritual: every October we’ve returned to this shared practice. As Jen Hofer says, it’s just “to see what is there. Merely what is there, merely to see.”(2) The poems in this book have been compiled from our first batch of 1:53’s. We edited them ‘together-together’—together trying to attune to each poem’s internal logic, while also trying to locate a collective voice that (we hope) textures throughout.

(Certainly) any writing idea of Bernadette’s is one worth pursuing. This book is dedicated to Bernadette Mayer (1945-2022), and the certainty of possibility her work opens up to us."

on nmp.16: 
english, chicago screw, folio cover, 148 x 210 mm
first edition, edition of 115 (numbered).

Cover of Manimal Woe

Arrowsmith Press

Manimal Woe

Fanny Howe

Poetry €21.00

Manimal Woe maps the intersection between history and family as few books have. Through poetry, prose, and primary sources, Howe invites us on a journey with the spirit of her father, Civil Rights lawyer and professor Mark DeWolfe Howe, who died suddenly in 1967. The past, both personal and historical, is utterly present, yet just out of reach. From her ancestors' dark legacy as slave traders, to her father's work during the Civil Rights era, to her own interracial marriage and family, Fanny Howe delves deep into the heart of the mysterious and the mystical, and emerges with the questions that so rarely find their way to us.

Cover of Pipi champagne

éditions Burn~Août

Pipi champagne

Les Boys la politrik

Poetry €14.00

À travers ses trajets quotidiens dans les transports parisiens, Maxime décrit ses aventures homosexuelles réelles et fantasmées. On découvre dans ses poèmes ses désirs de vengeance contre la bourgeoisie, la famille, ses explorations diurnes en manif et nocturnes dans les clubs. Maxime écrit un journal en poèmes de ses déambulations urbaines dans lesquelles il explore les recoins de ses désirs. Ses projections romantiques et ses rêves politiques à la périphérie des villes, des normes nous font imaginer une révolution jouissive. L’ouvrage couple deux recueils de Maxime Vignaud, placés tête-bêche dans le livre, comme deux revers d’une même pièce, ou comme deux corps qui dorment en cuillère.