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Cover of GLEAN - Issue 2 (ENG edition)


GLEAN - Issue 2 (ENG edition)



Striking a balance between lightness and seriousness, this Winter Issue of GLEAN offers plenty of in-depth reflection as well as a glimpse of what lies around the corner.

Guest Editor: Oscar Murillo
For each issue, GLEAN invites a Guest Editor to curate a section of the magazine. We interview them and ask them to invite three writers or artists who have influenced their practice (or who otherwise deserve our attention) to take up space in our pages. Oscar Murillo (1986, La Paila, Colombia) lives and works between London, La Paila and (since recently) Brussels. On the occasion of his first solo show at WIELS in Brussels, titled ‘Masses’, which opens in February 2024, we asked him to serve as Guest Editor for our Winter Issue. Murillo asked curator and researcher Renan Laru-an and writer and producer Anna T. Pigott to contribute texts. Artist and writer Rene Matic provided a visual contribution.

Studio Visit: Che Go Eun
Finding an affordable and suitable studio space is perhaps one of the greatest challenges a young artist faces. Not only does there seem to be a shortage of adequate infrastructure in densely populated cities such as Antwerp or Brussels, but the rental prices are also very high. Level Five VZW is an artist cooperative managing several studio spaces in Brussels. Tamara Beheydt visited artist Che Go Eun in her shared studio space at Level Five’s location next to WIELS Contemporary Art Centre.

The Artist’s Library
Each issue, Els Roelandt delves into the personal library of an artist for the Artist’s Library – a column celebrating books and their writers, editors, publishers, designers and readers. For this month’s contribution, she visited Olivia Plender in Stockholm on a dark afternoon in November. The two browsed and discussed Plender’s impressive library, which contains many titles related to plants, feminism and books by and on women who are carrying on the struggle to dismantle patriarchal structures.

Hana Miletic
Having transitioned from a kind of street photography to weaving, Hana Miletic embraces the act of reproduction. Her work with textiles has evolved into an embodied and social practice. Miletic contributed the cover images for this Winter Issue, which are also being printed as a limited GLEAN artist’s edition. María Inés Rodríguez, director of the Walter Leblanc Foundation in Brussels, met up with the artist, who is gearing up for a busy season. Miletic’s work is on view in no fewer than four group shows across Europe and her first solo exhibition in the US will open next spring.


Cover of GLEAN - Issue 4 (ENG edition)


GLEAN - Issue 4 (ENG edition)


Periodicals €20.00

Apparatus 22, Dak’Art, Tarek Atoui, Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat, Yoko Ono, Pei-Hsuan Wang, Anna Zemánková, Sarah Smolders, Miranda July, Britta Marakatt-Labba, Ignacio Barrios

Cover of GLEAN - Issue 5 (ENG edition)


GLEAN - Issue 5 (ENG edition)


Periodicals €20.00

Guest editor: Orla Barry, City Report Brussels: Maxime Fauconnier and Natural Contract Lab, Kasper König, Kendell Geers, Lucy McKenzie, Nástio Mosquito, Lisa Vlaemminck, Paloma Bosquê, Joar Nango, Sandrine Colard, Wu Tsang, Busan Biennale

Cover of GLEAN - Issue 7 (NL edition)


GLEAN - Issue 7 (NL edition)


Periodicals €15.00

Het nieuwe winternummer van GLEAN is er. We gaan in gesprek met Sharon Van Overmeiren, Mostafa Saifi Rahmouni, Willem Oorebeek en Paule Josephe; staan stil bij de indrukwekkende carrière van Luc Deleu, de 'radicaalste urbanistische denker die België ooit heeft voortgebracht'; tippen expo's van Luc Tuymans in Beijing en Pieter Vermeersch in New York; duiken in het archief van Pieter Van Bogaert en een merkwaardige fotoboek van de Nederlandse filmmaker en fotograaf Johan van der Keuken; bezoeken de tentoonstelling 'The Last Place They Thought Of' in Kunsthal Mechelen; en veel meer...

Cover of GLEAN - Issue 5 (NL edition)


GLEAN - Issue 5 (NL edition)


Periodicals €15.00

De vijde Nederlandstalige GLEAN editie.

Bijdrages over Chantal Akerman, Biënnale van Venetië, Eline de Clercq, Samah Hijawi, Laure Prouvost, Anastasia Bay, Wim Delvoye, Riar Rizaldi, Haegue Yang, Nil Yalter, Anna Maria Mariolino.

Cover of VNOUJE 4

Rag Editions


Cécile Bouffard, Roxanne Maillet and 1 more

Periodicals €20.00

4ème numéro de l'épopée lesbienne en épisodes par la collective Fusion, ce recueil d'aventures se lit dans n'importe quel ordre.

Cover of #6 Schizm Magazine

Schizm Magazine

#6 Schizm Magazine

Emma Holmes

ACCESS/EXCESS (coercion, proliferation & mutation)

Contributions by Bob Ajar, Maziar Afrassiabi, Sam Basu, Matt Calderwood, John Chilver, Rhys Coren, Patrick Coyle, Arnaud Desjardin, Catherine Hughes, Thomas Lock, Paul McDevitt, Sean Parfitt, Cornelius Quabeck, Chico Stockwell and Katarina Zdjelar.

Schizm Magazine invites contemporary artists and writers to contribute pages in response to a theme which, as the title implies, engages with a paradoxical idea. Each issue combines archival material with original works and texts sent in by between ten to thirty contributors.

Cover of Errant Journal 6: Debt

Errant Journal

Errant Journal 6: Debt

Irene de Craen

Periodicals €20.00

Errant Journal No. 6 takes up the topic of debt in order to challenge the idea that it is something rational, natural or inevitable.

The contributions in the issue address the ways in which debt and its language hold power over us and organize obedience; from its role in geopolitics to its associations with shame and guilt through moral and religious connotations. Together they reveal how the personal is always connected to the structural. Crucially, the issue also features contributions that address ways of thinking about debt outside Western/neoliberal hegemony and introduce instances of resistance to the violence and inequality inherent to debt. We’ve made additional space in this issue to address the intensified struggle for Palestinian liberation and its relations to debt/guilt and finance.

Contributors: Ian Beattie, W.E.B. Du Bois, Sultan Doughan, Toon Fibbe, Ibrahim Kombarji, Levi Masuli, Jamie McGhee, Kristina Millona, Bahar Noorizadeh, Falke Pisano, Taring Padi, Dalia Wahdan


Daisyworld Magazine


Zazie Stevens

Periodicals €22.50

CONTRIBUTORS Anna Bierler, India Boxall, Craig P Burrows, Alex Hampshire, Kayla Adara Lee, Marijn van der Leeuw, Melanie Matthieu, Gabriella T Moreno, Amira Prescott, Harrison Pickering, Astarte Posch, Ananda Serné, Zazie Stevens, Gedvile Tamosiunaite, Mia You.

cover image Ananda Serné & Poyen Wang

DAISYWORLD MAGAZINE is a seasonal art publication on perception, the sensory, the non-human, ecology & erotica with an emphasis on interconnectedness. The artist's intimate knowledge based on observation, questioning anthropocentrism through beauty & language. Reflecting on the past season while softly moving into the next, each issue launches in-between seasons; appreciating experience, transition, and metamorphosis instead of anticipating the next big thing.