Disquiet Drive
Hesse K.
Pilot Press - 17.00€ -

One night a satellite falls out of the sky and splits a girl in half. Disquiet Drive is a book scraped together from the shorn parts of a person who may no longer exist. Beginning with an admission that language and embodiment seem indistinguishable, yet refusing to claim a singular voice, the texts in this collection lurch between the fiery crucible of a transition and the weird jaggedness of our own continuity; between inverted memoir and prose-poetry; the raw, irrepressible lyric and the essay as an exercise in the art of digging-one’s-heels-in. Disquiet Drive is about undoing the words we’re handed so that language can survive, and undoing the body so that it can find a way to live.

'Disquiet Drive is restlessly exquisite. Hesse K’s writing vibrates with the quiet solar intensity of a planetary body that can’t be looked at directly: things slip, slink, snick and lick into each other, limning a gorgeous periphery where genre, past and future selves, follies, fossils and hormones collide. I can’t remember when I last read something as exhilarating, beautiful and deeply attuned to the implications and contradictions involved in struggling towards a bearable world, and the ‘undomesticated sensibility’ it requires of us.' — Daisy Lafarge, author of Lovebug

'Buck wild and entirely unique, Disquiet Drive took me to the beautiful and chaotic edge of the universe and made me want to write (live) for 200 years.' — Eliot Duncan, author of Ponyboy

Hesse K. is a writer. Her criticism and poetry has appeared in MAP magazine and Montez Radio, and in anthologies by Sticky Fingers Publishing, Toothgrinder, Worms and Pilot Press, among others. She lives in London.


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