Past Projects

Wed 13 September 2023 (19:00-20:30)

[Reading] The Speak Angel Series with Alice Notley

We are thrilled to host poet Alice Notley in celebration of two recent publications: her six book epic The Speak Angel Series and Early Works both published by Fonograf Editions in 2023. Marija Cetinić will join in conversation with Alice Notley, opening questions around the genre of the epic, feminism and disobiedence.


Sun 10 September until Sun 24 September 2023

[News] Save the date!
[News] Save the date!

Very excited to share these upcoming events with you! More info very soon!

Sun 10 September 2023 (15:00-16:00)

[Reading] Aurelia Guo and Natasha Soobramanien

Join us for an afternoon of readings by writers Aurelia Guo (World of Interiors, Divided Publishing 2022) and Natasha Soobramanien (Diego Garcia, Semiotext(e) / Fitzcarraldo 2022).


Thu 06 July 2023 (18:00)

[Launch] The Long Form by Kate Briggs

Join us for for a reading and presentation by Kate Briggs to launch her new novel The Long Form, published by Fitzcarraldo Editions (2023). Kate Briggs will be joined by editor and publisher Will Holder. Welcome!


Wed 05 July 2023 (18:00 - 20:00)

Living Contents #3

Welcome to “Living contents #3”, a set of readings, performances, and video projections by students and guests of the ReadingListeningSpeaking seminar at Erg Brussels.


Thu 29 June until Sun 09 July 2023

rile* reading room for Feminist Futures Festival

Join us in Kortijk for the rile* reading room hosted as part of Kunstencentrum BUDA's Feminist School at the Almost Summer/Feminist Futures Festival. Come and visit us to browse through our collection of choreographers' books, performative publications and a selection of poetry and fiction. Our reading room opens up practices of reading and questions how different forms of publication ask to be read. 


Sat 03 June 2023 (17:00-19:00)

[Reading] A Rock, A River, A Street with Steffani Jemison

Join us for a reading and presentation by Steffani Jemison, which will cover her first novel, A Rock, A River, A Street, and other writing both published and unpublished. She will also share an excerpt from her video Similitude (2019), a work that preceded the novel and anticipates some of its imagery and themes.


Sun 28 May 2023 (15:00-17:00)

[Reading] William Kherbek

Join us for a presentation and reading by William Kherbek and publisher Jack Clarke covering William's new book, Entropia Vol 1-2 as well as other recent writings.


Sun 21 May 2023 (15:00-16:00)

[Reading] The Order of Release

Join us for a reading from The Order of Release, a collection of press releases written by artists gathered and annotated by A.E. Brandt.

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