Sun 10 March 2024 (15:00)
Join us for “With eyes closed I see”, a sharing of performative reading practices from Glaneuses et Vers Terre (Gleaners and the Worms), a collective research project by Emilie Gallier, Nina Boas, and Nienke Terpsma. They will host a participatory reading session, entering text as a landscape to move within.
Sun 03 March 2024 (17:00)
Join us for to the launch of mnemotope issue 003 by bog bodies press. mnemotope is a community magazine that collects various kinds of literature within its pages: poems, recipes, short stories, essays. For the launch the editors Lilou Angelrath and Reitlin O'hagan, will present the new issue and host an open-mic style participatory reading of their new issue.
Sun 25 February 2024 (15:00)
Join us for the launch of Oostende, a new book moving between poetry, diary and novel by Martín Zícari, published in Spanish by Poesía Paripé. For the launch Martín will read newly translated excerpts in English alongside selected excerpts in Spanish.
Sun 11 February 2024
For this episode of rile*, books podcast we are excited to release the recording of Ariana's reading at rile*, which took place on October 28 2023. Ariana Reines read from her yet unpublished poetry collection The Rose and from her latest book A Sand Book.
Sat 03 February 2024
For this episode of rile*, books podcast we are thrilled to release the recording of Alice Notley's reading at rile*, which took place on September 13 2023. Alice Notley read from her recent publication, her six book epic The Speak Angel Series, published by Fonograf Editions in 2023. Marija Cetinić joined in conversation with Alice Notley, opening questions around the genre of the epic, feminism and disobiedence; followed by a closing q&a with the audience.
Thu 14 December 2023 (19:30-21:00)
Join us for a reading and presentation by LA Warman, author of Dust and Whore Foods, accompanied by a launch of the French translation of Whore Foods (RAG Editions) by Clara Pacotte.
Thu 07 December 2023 (19:30-20:30)
You are invited to a speculative listening session of An (In)Complete History of the World by Jen Rosenbilt. The performance research puts questions of repetition, desire, removal, decay and transition at stake. In collaboration with Li Tavor and Gærald Kurdian. Reservations are free but required.
Sun 12 November 2023 (15:00-17:00)
Welkom voor de lancering van het nieuwste nummer van nY, een Vlaams tijdschrift voor literatuur, kritiek en entertainment. 'Sex Negativity', de titel en het thema van dit nummer, stelt dat "we als subjecten niet compleet, soeverein of stabiel zijn. Seks onthult het fundamentele gemis in onszelf, zonder het op te lossen." Het nummer zal worden gepresenteerd door nY-redacteuren Persis Bekkering en Tessel Veneboer, samen met voordrachten van dichters Alara Adilow en Stefa Govaart.
Sat 11 November 2023 (19:00-22:00)
Welcome for the launch of ROT ISSUE ONE: IMMUNITY, edited by Sara Manente (Varamo Press, 2023), with a performance of Step into the Limelight by Natasha Papadopolou, and more.
Sun 05 November 2023 (15:00-17:00)
Chères filles de la nuit et les autres — Dearest Daughters of Darkness,
Welcome to the launch of How to Become The Daughters of Darkness, an evening program of emboldened readings, where a fountain of bloody marys will be waiting for you to drown all your sins at best, and your sorrows at worst. Plus, we’re bringing with us all sorts of pocketable, kissable DIY goodies. — Bienvenue au lancement de How to Become The Daughters of Darkness, une soirée de lectures, où une bassine de bloody mary vous attendra pour y noyer tous vos péchés et à défaut vos soucis. De plus, plein de goodies DIY trop fun & dark and kissable and pocketable.
Sat 28 October 2023 (19:30-21:00)
Join us for a reading by renowned and award-winning poet and performance artist Ariana Reines who will read from her yet unpublished poetry collection The Rose and from her latest book A Sand Book. Ariana Reines will be joined in conversation by performing artist and writer Stefa Govaart.
Sun 24 September 2023 (15:00-17:00)
Join us for the launch of Métaphoriques Cannibales, a transdisciplinary collection featuring the works of over 30 contributors and compiled by ɴon-ᴀ, taking cannibalism as an open concept and anthropopoiésis to study ideas of violence, othering, and the nature/culture divide.