Fri 07 February until Sun 09 February 2020
rile* takes part in MOVEABLE TYPES, a curated book event by Frances Horn. Moveable Types highlights the importance of printed matter and publishing for contemporary art. At Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, the fair presents 18 publishers that especially have a close relation to poetry and performance.
Sat 01 February until Sun 29 March 2020
rile* has been invited to participate in the next exhibition 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 / 1000 Bruxelles at Argos Arts, during which we will take over the bookshop at Argos with a new selection of publications and editions. Argos, the exhibition and our selection of books over there are open from Wed to Sun from 11-18h at the Rue du Chantier 13, just around the corner of Jeanne Dieleman's bio-fictional address. Our space and shop at the Rue Paul Devaux 3 is open from Fri-Sun from 12-18h. x
Fri 31 January 2020 (15h00)
A communal reading plotted by and with (in random order): Virginia Woolf, Brenda R. Silver, Daniel Tiffany, rile*, Maria DiBattista, Clarissa Dalloway, Robin Hood, Paula Almiron, William Caxton, Ursula Le Guin, Hugh Latimer, the departed and forthcoming Anons, Lancelot and Morgan le Fay, Stefan Govaart, Shakespeare and the Elizabethans, Clara Amaral, Anne Carson, Lady Anne Bacon, Luciani Giovanni, Eleonora Federici, Emily Kopley, the witches of North Berwick, Samuel Delany, Fredrik Floen, Eothen Stearn, Robert Glück, Christiane Blattmann, Macbeth, Orlando, ...
Tue 28 January until Fri 31 January 2020
rile* x Batard
rile* bookshop will be at Beursschouwburg from 17:30 everyday during Batard 2020. On Thursday at 17:00 we will join Engagement Arts for a conversation around self-organization and publishing in the foyer of Beurs. Welcome! More info on
Sat 30 November 2019 (20:00)
Welcome for the launch of Real-Time Realist #2 at rile*. With readings by Lieven Lahaye and Jungmyung Lee. Published by J-LTF Press, “Real-Time Realist” is an experiment in the range of human affect through typography, visual art, and contemporary writing, based psychologist Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions.
Sun 17 November 2019 (16:00)
We welcome Claire Finch and Sébastien Jallaud for the launch of 'Kathy Acker (1971-1975)', a new publication of collected, mostly unpublished, early writings of Acker. The presentation will be followed by a conversation with Tessel Veneboer and a screening of [Untitled Tape 2] (1974) by Kathy Acker and Alan Sondheim.
Sat 12 October 2019 (20:00)
Join us for the joint launch of 'My Mother Laughs' and the new edition of Another Gaze: A Feminist Film Journal, respectively translated and edited by Daniella Shreir.
Sun 06 October 2019 (16:00)
rile* welcomes Maggie Roberts for a screening and talk on the importance of fictioning. Maggie will discuss how fictioning, through speculation and sci-fi, has underpinned 0rphan Drift’s work since its inception in 1994.
Sun 25 August 2019 (18:00)
rile* invites Rachel Levitsky (writer, editor and founder of Belladonna* Collaborative) and Nathalie Rozanes (writer, actor and performer) for an evening of readings and presentations. To mark the 20th anniversary of Belladonna* Collaborative, a feminist publishing collective based in New York, Rachel Levitsky will give a presentation on Anarcho-feminist institutional history through an essay she is currently writing on the history of Belladonna* Collaborative.
Sat 24 August 2019 (19:30)
Join us at rile* for the joint launch of Not Not Nothing by Mette Edvardsen and Something Some things Something else by Jeroen Peeters. Choreographer Mette Edvardsen and writer/dramaturg Jeroen Peeters will perform readings from their new books both published in February 2019 and present their publishing house Varamo Press.
Sat 10 August 2019 (20:00)
Next to all those organs you love is an evening bringing together artists and text workers who move between writing and performance.
Thu 06 June 2019
No Private Problems by Eleanor Weber are 43 A3 poster-poems and 6 A4 profile texts (AP, AW, CV, JA, ML, SB) first printed (artist prints) for the exhibition at M.I/mi1glissé, Berlin, 24 February – 5 March 2016. Reprinted (1st edition) for rile*, Brussels, 6 June 2019.