Wed 05 July 2023 (18:00 - 20:00)

Living Contents #3

Screened, whispered, elongated or compressed to the bone, inside-absorbed, reflective or repulsive. In their own ways our voices all tell a different story of the same self-disrupted time.

With readings, performances, and video projection by Gladys Bukolo, Esther Carlin, Stella Kerdraon, Coco Neuville, and Moriane Richard.

18:00 - Bookshop, bar and installation by Coco (whole evening)
18:30 - Reading by Esther 
18:50 - Reading by Gladys
19:00 - Reading by Stella 
19:30 - Performance by Moriane

The event was initiated out of the ReadingListeningSpeaking seminar, taught by Eleanor Ivory Weber as part of the Art Practice, Critical Tools (LIENS) Masters program at Erg, Brussels.

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