by Lilia Mestre

In these circumstances
Philippine Hoegen, Lilia Mestre
a.pass - 24.00€ -  out of stock

In these circumstances: On collaboration, performativity, self-organisation and transdisciplinarity in research-based practices assembles curatorial, artistic and pedagogical practices inspired by a.pass: an inter- national artistic and educational research environment focusing on performativity and scenography.

This book discloses a history of the methods of artistic research in the context of the academisation of art education, and an abrasion of the once unbridled scene of artist-run organisations in Northern Europe. There are 35 contributions, many of them collaborative, ranging from concrete projects to inter- rogative speculations about artistic research. It aims to demonstrate how artistic research operates institutionally through a complex intertwinement of practices and how a.pass, over the past 14 years, has carved out a space for artistic research to imbricate in fields of both art and education, and stir the sediments of disciplinary enclosures.

Writing Scores / Bubble Score / Perform Back Score / Scorescapes (set)
Lilia Mestre
a.pass - 45.00€ -  out of stock

The book Writing Scores is the result of 3 months of written dialogues produced within the group of artistic researchers of a.pass during the Block I /2014 curated by Lilia Mestre. Questions on art, dreams, politics, violence, research, life, practice, bureaucracy, resistance, etcetera, … are addressed and later on re-addressed, revisited and assembled into a book with (at least) three faces… 

BUBBLE SCORE – The Relation between Performance and Writing is the third book of the ScoreScapes publications series. The book contains texts by a.pass researchers, collages as well as Scores for the Reader inserted at the back of the book. 

The book Perform Back Score is the result of 3 months of performed, sketched and written dialogue produced within a group of artistic researchers, each plunging into a study about the Conditions for the Emergence of Poetics. Poetics used here as ‘acts’ that transform our ways of perceiving, as situations that invite another understanding of ‘things’.

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